Mighty Moses
by Ramona Cook

Moses, a man whose life affects us even today.

Moses was a mighty and powerful man who lead a group of 4 to 6 million people, who were much like us, out of 400 hundred years of slavery to the most powerful Nation on Earth, at that time.

Moses who spoke and odd things happened, such as frogs appeared, from who knows where, so many of them that the Egyptians had them in their beds and kitchens; everywhere was thick with frogs, except in Goshen, where the Hebrew slaves lived.

Moses, the great leader who received from Creator God the Ten Commandments that permits all humankind to understand WHY we MUST call on God to save us. Those commandments are now inscribed on our hearts, so says God’s WORD.

That is a heavy fact. We all know right from wrong and that is to us a blessing since by it we can know that we sin and must ask God to forgive us. Added is that our lives are overseen by those same Laws upon which the Laws of our Nation are founded. However, they are in fact, THE LAWS of God, but often called The Laws of Moses.

Moses, according to Hebrew texts was called, “A FRIEND OF GOD.” Wow! That is a powerful description of Moses and his position with the TOP Authority of the Universes!

We think of Moses as a man of inexhaustible energy and boldness, of great abilities and charismatic personality – but Scripture does not describe Moses that way.

Here-in is the secret to the greatness of Moses The Mighty, he was a “meek man.” Numbers 12: 3

The word MEEK is translated from the Hebrew to English by Dr. James Strong from the KJV translation of the Bible. The word meek tells us that Moses was not only meek but “very meek above ALL the men that were on the face of the earth,” at that time.

So how, exactly does that describe Moses the man to us? It translates to us today that he was, “poor, humble, weak” and by our current thought, passive.”

We might legitimately ask IF he had a personality change after killing the Egyptian who was abusing a Hebrew slave? When he realized that, he fled into hiding. He was no longer a Prince of Egypt, very likely to become the next ruling Pharaoh. He had become a man with no home, no family support, and no earthly assets. He found a job as the caretaker of sheep, the lowliest of employments.

What caused Moses to appear to be so powerful on the outside view of him when Scripture describes him as so otherwise in fact?

The answer is that while Moses talked with God very honestly, giving God his opinions on matters, Moses actually DID whatever God told him to DO. Moses was obedient to God!

There was one time when Moses did not follow God’s instruction; in his anger toward the rebellion of the Hebrew people he STRUCK a rock to get water to flow from it instead of SPEAKING to the rock as God had told him to do.

Herein also, is a lesson for us, the people of God, for today.

We are not to strike out at anything that is truly vile, or even irritating to us. WE ARE TO SPEAK TO THE SITUATION, according to God’s revealed Word from the Texts of our Instruction Book and it will change as it also happened for Moses.

Our Sword of Battle is to SPEAK into the Earth and TO the situation the Words of God. Hebrews 4:12   Neither do we need wealth or influence for God to show HIS mighty works THROUGH us.

It was never the man Moses who caused the mighty miracles of God to happen EXCEPT for this one thing that Moses did – even though Moses was weak, poor, and humble man, he revered God with obedient behaviors. He DID what God said despite his lack of strength.

Moses, Mighty Moses was aware of his of his personal inability; and as God used Moses to display HIS mighty power THROUGH Moses he never became puffed up and GREAT in his own estimation. Moses just DID as God said; and today, for us it remains the pattern for a life of tremendous successes for humankind.

God is the POWER. We are the open conduit through which the power of God flows into the Earth to change things on Earth for the betterment of everything we need and enjoy.

OUR PART in this transforming is to keep our lives free of sins and be a clean, usable conduit through which God can flow, He doesn’t mess with the disobedience of sin.

Just as to Moses, The Mighty, we have been given Authority to SPEAK for God by Jesus, WHO won the earth back from Satan, to whom Adam and Eve relinquished their God given Authority.

NOW we, who obey God’s WORD and live accordingly, can also SPEAK GOD’S Will, and God will flow through our mouth into the Earth and accomplish/create His Will on Earth, AS it IS in Heaven above, and display His mighty works to us and our people of today; even for which Jesus taught us to pray. Luke 11:1-4

Thank YOU God for giving to us YOUR Word, and the examples of Your SERVANTS as patterns for obedience to You.


Ramona: 07/20/2024

Ramona,  Master in Ministry Arts, BA in Biblical Studies, I am an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
By copies retained and legal rights, I claim ownership of this article, but requiring only that my name is published as the author. R Cook, and that the message content is not changed.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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