by Ramona Cook

Part 1, discussing SIN

In the texts of Scripture are found at least two understandings of SIN.

Perhaps the first understanding is the one that we, personally, did nothing to acquire; we are born with it. It is genetic, inherited because we descend from Adam and Eve. Because they blighted the genes, we are, according to Scripture, born a sinner. It is this SIN that everyone of us MUST confess to God that we need to be saved from, healed of, we need it removed so that we can once again be acceptable to God and associate with Him.

He has been so kind to us in providing a way for that to happen. He never wanted us to be cut off spiritually; and yes, certainly He remains our Creator and our Sustainer but there is a problem and it needs to be resolved in the way that God says it is resolved.

As concerning the problem that we as humans have with SIN it was made known to humans that God requires blood to cover SIN and SINS.

In First Covenant times they offered the blood of animals but that was a fore-type for the Second Covenant. The shedding of animal blood did not really take away the sin but displayed to God that the people were doing what He had instituted for then, for that time. He always had another PLAN but He had not yet provided that method.

He did in fact provide the method of cleansing that He fully accepts; and that method completely eradicates SIN. That method is by accepting Jesus as one’s Savior since the Blood of Jesus, that He shed in His Crucifixion, is indeed God’s method of bringing us back into fellowship with Himself.

Jesus, God’s Son, Who lived with Him, came to earth as a baby and grew up just like we do. He took on a human body so that He could do several things: *Teach us about the restored Kingdom of God, which He restored upon Resurrection, not in it’s full form even to this day, but it has been growing and growing and we have many spiritual benefits due to that planting of the Seed. *Jesus confirmed information regarding Heaven and Hell. Jesus talked more frequently about Hell than Heaven. He wants us to know that it is real and we do NOT want to go there. *Jesus came for the express purpose of dying on a cross to provide a lasting salvation for us as humans and all the creation, He was the WORD by which all of it was created. John 1: 1-10

He loves all that He has created and does not wish that any of us get taken by Satan. Satan will not own Hell, he will be in Hell forever for the rebellion he instigated against God when he held the status of being an Arch-Angel, and that is why Hell was created. Never did God create Hell for humans however, humans DO GO there because they refuse the method of Salvation that God has provided for us. No human is sent to Hell by our Creator, any who go there do so because they chose to go there.

John 3: 16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) should NOT perish but have everlasting life.”

17: For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, BUT that the world through Him might be saved.”

The choice is ours! Accept God’s method and be saved. Refuse it and remain a human with the blighted gene of SIN and be lost from Heaven forever. God has done what He can do. God WILL NOT make us do anything. The Devil CAN NOT make us do anything. We are free moral agents and God will honor our choice!

But consider the outcome of what choice is made; each of us must individually make that choice.


Ramona: 07/21/2024

Ramona,  Master in Ministry Arts, BA in Biblical Studies, I am an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
By copies retained and legal rights, I claim ownership of this article, but requiring only that my name is published as the author. R Cook, and that the message content is not changed.

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