An Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes - Part 1
by Tonja Taylor

What started as a teaching to the 12 at Capernaum was meant to be shared with the multitudes and the rest of humanity, as they would receive it.

The Beatitudes are my favorite part of the Sermon on the Mount, and I believe that is what most people think of when they hear “Sermon on the Mount”.  They bring us from legalism to lightness; duty to blessing; self-works to service to others; grasping for control to flowing in Grace; and from exacting to empathy, excelling, and exulting in Christ Jesus our LORD.

The Sermon on the Mount teaches us how to live the successful Christian life, in the eyes of God. This Sermon ushered in the New Way; not doing away with the Old Testament, but fulfilling and superseding it, to the glory of God.

Christ exhorted (as His Spirit exhorts us while we read His Word today) us that we are wise when we follow His instructions to build our lives on the Rock of His Word; the true Revelation of Abundant Life!

The Law prepared us to receive Grace. Jesus Himself lived under the Law (perfectly; without sin), but brought Grace to humanity. Grace focused on the motivation for what people did, while the law focused on just the act as a basis for judgment.

The law was powerless to change people. It could only reveal sin, and bring condemnation. However, the law of Grace in Christ helped give man the victory to both acknowledge and overcome the sin.


Christ the LORD exhorted us to recognize offense and go make things right with others ASAP.

Now I will share information about the Beatitudes:

  1. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 5:3). We must learn to “take the emotion out of it,” when it comes to money/wealth. Only those who can see money as a tool to be used for the Kingdom of God will be given great wealth.
  1. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). There are three types of mourning by the author: mourning for our own shortcomings; mourning for others; and mourning for the world. Not that we should be continually sorrowful, for that would be anti-Bible. We sorrow with others so that empathy and sympathy in our hearts will spur us to good works to help them be comforted, healed, and drawn closer to the Master.
  1. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). Being meek does not mean being weak; the opposite of seeking one’s own fame and fortune and honor. Moses was called the meekest man on earth (Numbers 12:3) at that time. He obeyed the LORD almost perfectly, and interceded so the Israelites did not get destroyed when the LORD’s anger was kindled against them. When we serve with gratitude and humility, we glorify the LORD, and He will exalt us in due time (I Peter 5:6).
  1. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6). As humans, we hunger for various things, in our spirits, souls, and bodies. The LORD Jesus Himself, the Son of Man, hungered (Matthew 21:18). But we are on the planet and born again to deeply desire righteousness—the ways of God.      As Matthew 5:6 states, God will make sure that we are both filled, and that our craving for His righteousness continues, as long as we are following Him. It is His Spirit that leads us to be convicted of the need to be born again, and to have the faith to receive Christ Jesus as Savior and LORD, then His Spirit desires within us more of God. It is Him helping us in every way!
  1. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Matthew 5:7). Praise the LORD, God is Love (I John 4:16), and His mercy precedes His judgment (Mat 9:13)! We all like mercy—not getting the bad things we deserve from our bad words and actions. The Mercy of God within us prompts us to have compassion and action to help those who are suffering (and most of the world is suffering in some way).      Mercy helps us to have a forgiving heart toward others, as we remember how we too have failed. The ultimate way to show Mercy to others is to tell them the Good News of the Master Jesus, Who is Mercy Himself!
  1. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). “Purity” is not just a lack of evil, but a purposeful pursuit of being as much like God as possible. The Bible says for Believers to “be holy, for I am holy (Lev. 11:44)”. The second book of Timothy, in verse 21, states that we who make ourselves pure will be used for noble purposes. The key is that we must choose; we must be deliberate, to do what is needed to “make ourselves pure.”        This means not only must we shun what we know to be evil, but continue to learn more of the ways of God through His Word, prayer, worship, and fellowship with consecrated Believers, and to purposely choose to do what pleases God, as we learn to overcome and master our flesh. This must permeate every part of our lives.        As we allow the Living Water of the Word to cleanse our hearts and minds, our lives will more and more align with the LORD’s will, and He will be able to use us more powerfully to accomplish His will on earth. In addition, we will be more confident and at ease, for purity brings peace.
  1. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). Although some people will say anything just to avoid conflict, and/or compromise their morals or integrity to gain an advantage with a superior, we are called as Believers to glorify our LORD by living in peace with others, as much as is possible (Romans 12:18). This never means selling out the truth, nor doing things against God, just to “make someone happy”. We are here to please God, the Prince of Peace.       Many religions seek “peace” by emptying themselves, or living in poverty, or inflicting themselves harshly. Others tolerate anything and everything, just to keep from upsetting someone. This is not true peace.        “Peace” may mean different things to various people, but at its base, it means a lack of conflict. However, a deeper level of peace as the Master Jesus desires for us is to cultivate and maintain true benevolent relations with others; not just with those one likes or with whom a person shares similar interests. We can ask LORD Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to help us with that, and He will!
  1. “Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:10-12). No one but LORD Jesus can truly understand the pain and potential frustration and discouragement of being made fun of and scorned by others as we follow the LORD—for the carnal mind (of unbelievers, and even of those Believers who have gotten away from God, and/or don’t go to church or pray or read the Bible, etc.) is enmity—an enemy—of God (Romans 8:7-8).        The things of God are foolishness to people who are not born again, for the truths of God cannot be understood except by the help of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 1:18). So, as is human nature, we usually fear and/or make fun of what we don’t understand.      However, Jesus promises us rewards for following Him, no matter how others act! We must keep our eyes on Jesus, knowing that it’s worth it to follow Him, Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)!

May you be blessed by this reading, and draw closer to the LORD, as you better understand and appreciate His Beatitudes! 





Tonja and her husband live to exalt God--via books, presentations, global service, podcasts, YT channels: "River Rain Creative" and "POWERLight Learning", and more. JESUS IS LORD! 

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