What We Learn from Jesus the Kid
by Jerry Ousley What We Learn from Jesus the Kid By Jerry D. Ousley
A truck driver had to make a delivery on the other side of town. In order to get there, he was required to go under an overhead bridge. Of course, there were other ways around but they took more time, and the turns were very inconvenient for a large semi-truck. However, when he got to the underpass, the sign said that the overhead clearance was 11’ 6”. The problem was that his truck was 13’ high. He immediately stopped, got out of the truck and scratched his head. What was he going to do now? The traffic was backing up behind him and there was no where to turn the big rig around.
About that time a kid showed up. “Hey mister.” The truck driver ignored him. Afterall, he had a big problem to solve. He didn’t have time to blow his air horn for a kid right now. “Hey mister, hey mister, hey mister!” This kid wasn’t going away so the truck driver finally said, “what do you want, kid?” “Hey mister, why don’t you just let some air out of the tires?” That grabbed the truck driver’s attention. It was a very good idea. He let the air out of his tires, and now the truck just barely went through the underpass as long as he stayed in the middle of the road, but he got there. He had to air his tires back up on the other side, but it worked and it was much cheaper than trying to turn that big rig around in all that traffic and go back the long way around. “Kid, that was a good idea, thanks!” “You’re welcome,” replied the boy. Then, as he walked away, he added, “Just ‘cause I’m a kid doesn’t mean I don’t know nuthin!”
Sometimes we can learn from the children. In fact, Isaiah 11:6 tells us at the end of the verse that “… a little child shall lead them.” That’s a bit out of context because the verse is actually speaking of a time during the millennial reign of Christ and is referring to a child leading around wild animals. However, when it comes to Jesus, we learn from Him even during His childhood.
I know there are early stories from unaccepted gospels that tell us of great miracles Jesus did as a child. But those accounts are unreliable. So, we will stick to what we find in the Bible. Here are the events we see regarding Jesus after His birth:
This is all the Bible gives us regarding the infancy of Jesus and His childhood. So, what do we learn from all of this? There are two verses that summarize it all and are good for all of us. Luke 2:40 says, “And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.” Then in Luke 2:52 tells us, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
When we come to the Lord seeking salvation, regardless how old we are, we become infants in the grace of God. We are “born-again.” So even though we may be adults in body, even perhaps of a great age in our lives, we become like little children. We have to grow and mature in the ways of God. We do that by feeding on the Bible and spending time alone with God in prayer.
We simply must follow the example of Christ as we grow. We become strong in the spirit, filled with wisdom, basking in the grace of God. As we do, we stand in favor of God and men. That doesn’t mean that everyone is going to like us. In fact, as believers in Christ, there will be some who downright hate us.
But as we grow deeper in the word of God, and learn more of Him, we can react to others in the wisdom of God. That’s what Jesus did, and that’s what we must do. Paul wrote in Galatians 4:19, “My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you …” it goes on to talk about our old self and new self in the examples of the two sons of Abraham. The point is that as we grow, Christ is formed in us. We are like infants at first and we follow the example of Christ the kid. But we grow and He is formed in us. We become more like Him because He is our example. So, learn from Jesus the kid. Go in wisdom. You do know that there is a difference between wisdom and knowledge, right? Knowledge means that we know a lot. But wisdom, ahhh, wisdom, is being able to rightly use what we have learned. Jerry D. Ousley is the author of "Soul Challenge", "Soul Journey", "Ordeal", "The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional" and his first novel "The Shoe Tree." Newer books include "Finality" and "Dividing God's Church." Visit our website at spiritbread.com to download these and more completely free of charge Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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