I vote none of thee above
by Tina Leonard

Seems like God has a lot of us stirred up over this issue. I just posted this response on a friend of mines blog who was questioning the church and how they can support someone in the election who clearly does not support and stand upon the Word of God...

I for one cannot stand Obama....not because of his skin either...it's because he is so smug. It's his attitude I just don't like it. However, most of the American population likes him because he makes them laugh and he is a good speaker....even though he sticks his foot in his mouth a lot. Him and Hillary both have some really detrimental choices that they stand behind that would cause more problems for our nation.

However, John McCain is pro-life, yet he isn't anti-abortion, and unless he gets a real man standing behind him that is honestly a pro-life....vice president and is willing to fight for the rights of the unborn I won't vote for him either. He contradicts himself so much on this issue it's rediculous. How can one be pro-life and support funding the stem cell research of the unborn child? The Bible says that unless you stand for "something" you will "fall" for anything. You either think we have the right to determine someone's life or death or you believe that is entirely up to God. If a baby is created.....it's created for a reason no ifs ands or buts.

John McCain and Obama both want to open up the borders.... and that is just naming two things.... I cannot stand before God and vote for either of them with a clear conscience and this is the first time EVER where I am seriously considering NOT voting. I did vote during the primaries and I voted for Huckabee. Unfortunately he did not make it. The only reason I would vote for McCain is because he isn't as ignorant as the other two are when it comes to military issues and he recognizes the dangers of pulling all of the troops out of the present situation.

The Christians have a mandate to begin to prophecy the Word of the Lord. Ecclesiastes.....says that history repeats itself.....over and over and over again......and I believe we are about to see the coming of the Lord. The people wanted....Saul....as King ...because he looked good and sounded good......and made them feel good.....but it wasn't what they needed.....still God gave them what they wanted......

Afterwards David came on the scene.....funny how Christ is out of that generation of blood.....I don't know when it will happen and I don't always agree with what others talk about ....but think about it.......we are half owned by China.......the presidential election takes place in 2009.......all scholars including Biblical scholars agree that something monumental will happen on 2012 when the Earth crosses the equator. I think it's December 21......this planetary alignment only happens every 26,000 years......kind of makes you wonder about the ice age.....and a lot of things.....now I don't think necessarily that this will bring about the "end of the world" but I do believe it will mark the making of a "New World Order". The things are already starting to happen not only is it Biblical but it is scientific. I have always been one who supports both....I love Christian Scientists....one who tie both together basing it on fact and faith. There is already a shortage of Rice and Flour as we have seen and the changes in climate have affected agricultural stock all over. You can watch the video at the end of this blog but I don't want to get too far into that discussion yet.

As far as the ice age is concerned and all that, it gets more theological and i don't have the time or the energy for that right now. But, before that day arrives an increase of natural disasters are supposed to take place, just as the Bible says....not only that but think about it for a minute......2009-2012 is almost exactly three and a half years.....which is the middle line of the mark of the seven years of tribulation. It's funny......in a way....you know how we can't "see" the Holy Spirit but we know He is at work in our lives? Well, the Bible says that in those days....the "spirit of the anitchrist" will have reign? A lot of people are looking for a man.....and I don't know what we are truly to expect.....to see but I don't feel he will be our president because he is going to have to have great respect in all nations for the world to want to follow him and our country doesn't have enough respect from others for it to be someone in our leadership stature. However, I do feel that the "spirit" of the antichrist is working through several avenues....including the "sleeping church" and leaders who refuse to stand upon the knowledge and wisdom of the truth of the Word of God.

Revelations speaks of ten horns raising up.......and of a ..New World Order.....It's amazing to me that the American dollar has lost so much value and yet the "Euro" has been adapted into ten countries......and the European Nation is gaining ground a lot faster than we have taken time to recognize. They also seem to stay "out of the limelight" a lot. What's really going on over there?

To be honest with you.....I believe getting upset right now is pointless....we need to humble ourselves and seek His face turn from our OWN wicked ways and pray that the Will of God be done......not for God to heal our land...per se unless we are talking about the "Body of Christ" cause the United States.........is no longer the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave....but it is now the Land of do whatever you want and home of unfortunate consequences. I am not proud to be an American I am humbled to be saved by the blood of Jesus.......regardless of surrounding circumstances.

I hate looking around at all the beauty around us listening to the birds and seeing children play......and thinking about the future......yet knowing what the Bible says about the actions of man........and it breaks my heart truly. I love America.....but I hate the way we have all allowed it to become what it is.....and at the heart of it all....is a bridge burning church....a church that is judgmental, hypocritical, entertainment based and prostituting the gospel of Christ. Just as I said the Bible stated earlier........everything repeats itself........Biblically when the people of God lost sight......of Him.......destruction followed. When God judges our Nation....it won't be because of the "unsaved" it will be because of the state of the "Church".

Those who have seen the truth and refuse to go along with status quo and all the hogwash a lot of them are teaching.......will be among the Bride that is without spot or blemish....it's a narrow way......few find it. And unless we have studied to show ourselves approved the Bible says that in Revelation......even the "MOST ELECT" will be led astray and turn from the faith to a false truth.

People try to say that Oprah is a false prophet....which shows how ignorant we really are...have you ever heard her say that "She follows Jesus Christ?"

Nope....she hasn't matter of fact she is really tight with Mr. Cruise who is second man on the totem pole in the realm of the false religion of scientology. One has to claim to follow after Christ.....and mislead people in order to be titled a "false prophet".

I would have to say however....that Obama probably is....as well as McCain and Hillary. Because they all claim to be Christians.....yet they are all misleading people in truth as well as MANY televangelists today. The Bible says they will get up there and say to you...."All is well, everything is going to be ok......."IT'S ALL GOOD". And then destruction follows.....anyone who is anyone can see that our Nation is in trouble.......morally, economically, spiritually, physically, and Naturally (meaning natural disasters)........I mean does it take a genius to figure that one out?


As far as this video is concerned......watch it....you make your own decision...but prophetically everything is happening as the Bible predicts and the Bible has never been wrong....you would think.....we would have all caught onto that by now. I don't feel let me reiterate....that this will mark "The End" but I do feel it will mark a "New Beginning" and it's not going to be one that will include "America.....Land of the Free" we will become dependant on those who can give us what we need to survive......and for me....the only one I can depend on for that is the Lord.......He is all I need to survive and I will not bow down to anyone else, no matter what. Even it means death. Unfortunately today in America if we were to see that now.....things might end differently......but then again....that would make the Bible wrong about how "In the end many will turn from the faith and be led astray because ignorance and lack of knowledge destroy the people of God."

The Church of America needs to wake up so that we can shake the foundations.......we need to reconcile the Body of Christ before we can reconcile the lost to Christ. Shame on those who follow after the ways of man and not after the way of God! Stop using God for your own gain.....stop watering down the Word, stop being lukewarm.........stop hypocrisy and the judgment and the condemnation of the World!

We are at a crossroads.......one way is narrow and one is wide.........which road are you taking? It might not have many on it and you might have to walk alone.....but would you rather take the path to Eternal destruction that so many are choosing to go? The Bible says you cannot serve two masters.....if you love God you will follow Him......if you don't you will follow the world.......it doesn't say if you love God you will follow a Pastor.....or a man........it says the opposite actually......it says shame on you.

These two links will take you to two different videos I couldn't get them to load on my blog for some reason. There are several videos on youtube that you can watch about this...but I have included two....you should take the time to watch them. Even if you don't agree with what I have said.



My name is Tina Leonard.  I have been writing my entire life, but it wasn't until I accepted Christ in 1998 that I began to write for the edification of the body and to bring the rightful Glory to His Kingdom.  Feel free to visit my website at www.myspace.com/christisking2.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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