
Sambhunath Tiadi

Installation of e-cameras in Govt. offices will achieve better output?

Will the government of India install e-cameras in different government offices of the state to asses the punctuality, integriety and workload of the employees to improve the efficiencies of administration? The proposal may invite certain objections or problems from employee's side, but government will achieve better output both in administration and technical wing of different government organizations starting from secretariat to sub-ordinate organizations of the state and central government. Government being macro level organization consist of different ministries and departments and attached offices in different locations like metros, cities, urban and semi urban areas of the country both in central government and of the state governments. Though the time schedule of working hours vary from office to office, but for some sets of employees identical policies are followed by taking the type and nature of work, gravity of labour into consideration. It is seen that in most of the factories and industrial units shifting duty systems have been prevailed both in day and night except for administrative employees.
The present timing system of central government administrative employees begins from 9.30am to 6.00pm being recreation from 1.30pm to 2.00pm except Saturdays and Sundays being declared holidays where as some of the state governments have fixed time for their employees from 10.00am to 5.00pm, second Saturdays of a month and Sundays being holidays i.e. weekly five days for central government and six days for state government. What people says and we practically see some of the indiscipline employees come to office after 2 to 3 hours late and return back before completion of the duty hours. Even some of them simply attend office; put their signature in the attendance register, check their drawer of the table or almirah to verify about the pending paper works/jobs and if available, devote one or two hours time to deal with the paper and file work as per their capability in the concerned file, and after dealing with the file send it to next superior authority for further course of action, whether positive or negative dealings, properly developing or irregularly developing the file and than goaway by leaving their seat. It is also doubtful about proper dealing of the file whether at par with rules and regulations of the government t or not.

An office receives various types of communications/correspondences with different subject matters from public, individual employee, corporate offices; political leaders, contractors, foreign offices, public organizations etc. and these communications are dealt by the public servants/clerks or we may say assistants or dealing Assistants in their respective seat meant for the specific work. In the absence of allocation of target, importances are not given towards the pending work. If, importance could have given, there would no need of the enactment of Right to Information Act and Rules and any information's sought for by public , could have been communicated within a short period to the applicant on the basis of records/information available in the respective files as it is not a very difficult task. Though there are regular allegations from different leaders of Employees Unions and associations about recruitment and promotions, but they hesitate to discuss about their workload in their respective seats. There is a provision of file index register and file movement register for every dealing hand and the file No. and subject matter are recorded in the said registers to asses the duration of the time of dealing and numbers of files available with the dealing hand to deal with the same.

In most of the offices it is seen that corresponding and noting portions of files are not maintained properly and records are kept in a haphazard and wrong stacked manner and become difficult to trace out the files in the time of urgencies and delay in tracing out files hamper and harass the interest of public. One might have gone to offices of tahasil collectorate, secretariat etc and seen the activities of the staff and their way of talkings. In the broad days some of the government employees take bribes from the public as well as from advocates also to get the work done for the interested person and if someone objects for such activities either the work of the person concerned will be delayed or stopped. It is also not possible on the part of the vigilance department of the states to watch all for taking legal or disciplinary action. Even officers fear to speak any thing against such corrupt officials for the reasons best known to them or out of fear to the leaders of employees Associations of the respective organizations. Is there any bar to install e-cameras in government offices and factories for better output, Smooth administration and to asses the real workload as well as activities of the employees/workers? Now a days installation of e-cameras in all the offices, whether private or government will help a lot to prevent corruptions.

Sambhunath Tiadi
[email protected]

Name-Sambhunath Tiadi 
Retired Governemnt of India Officer(Voluntarily)
At present working as a freelance journalist  and waiting for Lawyer license from the Bar council of India. I will devote my self towards writing for development of the entire globe.

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