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by Eugene Lopatynsky  
10/21/2020 / Salvation

Salvation ONLY through Christ Jesus

How could ONLY Biblical Christianity embody salvation? Are Christians not narrow-minded, ignorant and bigoted?

Have you heard that before? When you try to share the greatness of our God with unbelievers?

They will say, "what about other religions? How about Buddhists? How about Moslems? You mean you're the only ones who know it all?

I have myself, personally, met the most" ignorant", intolerant, bigoted, narrow minded gook of them all.

She was my math teacher. And she absolutely insisted that 4 plus 4 makes 8! Every time I wrote, that 4 and 4 makes nine, or that 4 and 4 makes seven, she would absolutely mark my answers wrong, every time, without being broadminded at all; and finally stood me up in a corner. She just wasn't a liberal. To her, four plus four had only ONE correct answer and none other, in the "whole universe"! Can you imagine that?

And you know, somehow, the bank down the street from me, THEY HAVE THE SAME PHILOSOPHY.

In my case I might be more like four minus four equals zero, but it's the same philosophy! No liberalism at all. Not a bit broad minded. And you know something else? TRUTH IS LIKE THAT.

TRUTH IS LIKE THAT! It is very intolerant, extremely narrow minded, totally categorical and absolutely non-liberal. Want to hear the truth?

Masonry teaches that all the giant religions of this world are really are like spokes in a wheel, "different routes to god" (small g). But they do not explain that all these religions LEAD TO THE GOD OF THIS WORLD, AND HIS NAME IS SATAN.

Only faith in Christ Jesus saves, nothing and nobody else can help.

Does God say that?

John 3:36; 14:6

  1. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

Acts 4:12

  1. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you.

Two thousand years ago, Christ Jesus opened salvation for the whole Planet. It is open globally to all who want our Creators justice and peace.

With infinite love God gave us a Savior and his Word, The Bible, a light unto our path and life eternal for those who really seek God.

Men are not lost because they are sinners; they are lost because they have rejected Jesus who died for them. The ultimate treasure is not creation, it is the Creator. Any CONCEIVABLE sacrifice in this world is worthwhile just to find Christ Jesus and to belong to Him!

If you want Him, pray now with me, "DEAREST LORD JESUS, FORGIVE ME MY SINS; PLEASE BE THE LORD OF MY LIFE; increase my love for you, and my obedience to you. Help me to read your Bible every day of my life".

If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. After this, check out the guide in "How to read the Bible and clean up your life" in , under “articles”, on bar. It’s made for you.




After the Global Flood God selected only one nation to be His spokesman, in the middle of a sea of nations and demon dominated "religions", where Satan appeared to them as an angel of light.

Of all peoples, tribes and nations, whom do you suppose that Satan would attack most?

I think, you have got it.

It is God’s people, God’s Elect, he would attack, those who were supposed to carry God’s Word to the world, to be a Light for mankind. This still continues today.

First it was Israel, the little crowd from Abraham. They failed in many things, but God’s Law came out of Israel, all the Prophets came from Israel, all the Apostles, the Bible came from Israel and the Savior of mankind, the Messiah came out of Israel. This nation was to be His spokesman to the world

This one nation was torn apart for it, decimated, persecuted uttermost, but never destroyed. God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush. The bush was not consumed. The bush is Israel. Always in the fire, never consumed.

Out of the smoking ruins of Israel (1st century AD) came Christianity, not any church or earthly power, but a people who loved and tried to obey the God of Abraham, as they understood it.

Never confuse Christianity with any existing major power or major religion, or particular church or pastor. Christianity is NOT any part of Catholicism or the Greek Orthodox, although, secretly, many of these sought and loved our Savior. From its inception Biblical Christianity was always cruelly persecuted. Today, every massacre, every mass murder in the world is the murder of Christians.

Satan masquerades under the banner of great religions. The biggest department that Satan has, is the department of World Religions.

Every time God’s People disobey (sin), it opens the door for Satan to come in. To Israel, he attached himself like a poisonous, bloodsucking spider to a tiny Jewish minority.  

At the time of Christ (1st century AD) the Babylonian Devil Worship and child sacrifices were in practice throughout North Africa, Middle East, India, and so on. In Israel a tiny minority had secret meetings, at night, as already described in the Bible. Israel had its own contingent of Babylonian Devil Worship.

About a thousand years later the Moslems organized a determined campaign to root it out. Look up “Old Man of the Mountain”, Assassins, Nizari and other historical background.

The Catholic Crusades of the 12th and 13th centuries provided a great opportunity for the leadership of organized Devil Worship to escape Moslem persecution in North Africa and Middle East. Many of this leadership of Devil Worshippers came to Europe with the returning Crusaders.

They found Jewish settlements established everywhere and pretended to be Jewish refugees. Almost immediately the Babylonians seized this vast network as a base of operations, organizing and installing their Satanic Secret Orders and Banking. The blame for their activities always fell on the Jews. The Catholic hierarchy answered with persecutions and expulsions.

The Devil Worshippers eventually fled to an Island Fortress (England), seized the government, abolished Catholicism, and commenced to export their Secret Orders (Masonry), Banking and SATANIC REVOLUTIONS all over Europe, with perfect safety for their new headquarters.

With every independent gentile monarchy in ruins (end of 1st WW, 1918}, they finally were ready to turn against the Jewish Orthodox, actually a huge, unchangeable, thorn in their side.

 See continuation of this in “WW2 and Conspiracy against Israel”, published earlier.

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