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by Eugene Lopatynsky  
11/02/2020 / Salvation


Many Orthodox Jews, traditionally, HATE Christianity and consider the New Testament (Bible) a book of HATE. There are, lamentably, at least, five important reasons for it, as follows:

Spiritual Disaster within nation still continuing.

Self-preservation of Orthodox Rabbinates is a strong motive. A Christian Israel (of Messianic Jews) would mean an end of their power and riches.

Fear of national extinction by dissolving into global Romanism. By now, this is only a false pretext. Messianic Jews stay very much Jewish.

A national history of hatred and oppression by Romanism is remembered, as oppression by Catholics and by Greek Orthodox. But this was in the past. Now it does not apply. Now the Orthodox Jews oppress the Messianic Jews.

Presence of invisible Babylonian, merciless, control over Israel, direct or by proxy.

Do not forget, that as Gods Elect, the Jews, nearly always, had to bear the brunt of Satan’s attacks. Additionally, their society has been penetrated (for many centuries now) and is controlled by “invisible” (now superrich) BABYLONIANS. (That’s not Baby Lonians). The Babylonians plan to use Israel in the process of installing their coming Antichrist. Check Bible.


Both Catholicism and Greek Orthodox, as organized Roman religions, actually contain a disguised, but still an almost exact replica of the BABYLONIAN DEMON WORSHIP and  the ancient Babylonian protocol and customs. These were given by the Roman Emperor Constantin a shaky Biblical façade and Biblical names for their DEMONS. Well-meaning but ignorant believers don’t even notice anything today.

If you doubt any of this, observe Two Babylons, by Hislop, by clicking on   (drop down menu on upper bar, under Danger,)

These religions present also the adoration and worship of a woman imposter, worshipped globally for the last 6000 years as an Egyptian Cow, later as Ister, Samirabis, Ashtoreth, Diana-Athena, and now worshipped (revered is a play on words) as a non-biblical MARY. This DEMON goes under a number of names, but represents the same, ancient, very treacherous, powerful; and dangerous force. People, who trust “her” for their salvation are in for an exceedingly terrible, incredible, bottomless betrayal and surprise.

Traditionally both of these Roman religions have been hiding, (NOT teaching), the Bible. Catholics studying for priesthood were not allowed to even have a Bible. Nevertheless, much Biblical info has leaked among the population, and many among them have secretly loved and tried to follow Christ Jesus, avoiding most of Romanism. A minimum of Sixty Four Million (some estimate twice that number) of these secret Christians have been inhumanly tortured to death or burned at a stake (ancient form of sacrifice to Satan) by the Catholic Vatican in the last 800 years of Catholic power. They refused to DENY the Biblical Christ Jesus. Look it up.

Who is the female imposter – presented in nearly all religions as an Egyptian Cow, later as Samirabis, Isis, Ceres, Ashtoreth, and the (Catholic) “Mary”?

Some say, she is the very center of Catholicism. Who is she?

She is the greatest, most popular Babylonian deity. The god she brought forth, and who is offered back to her under the symbol of the wafer, as “bread of life”, was in reality the fierce, scorching sun or terrible Moloch, yet in that offering all his terror was veiled.

 The “Mother” was believed to be benignant, merciful, the favorite “divinity”. The Madonna of Roman Catholicism also entirely eclipses her son, as mother of grace and mercy, “Bona Dea”, the “Mediatrix”, Aphrodite, (“wrath subduer”), who could by her charms soothe the breast of angry Jove.

 Catholicism, faithful to this Babylonian paganism, presents Christ (the true Lamb of God, lowly of heart, God’s greatest love) as a stern and inexorable judge, while “Mary” is set off in the most winning and engaging light

 This is simply a different “Christ” and a different “Mary”. It is in all reality Samirabis and Jove, not the Christ and Mary of the Bible. May God help the untold millions trapped hopelessly in Catholicism.

What is Biblical or Messianic Christianity?

Christianity is not really any religion. It is a personal, spiritually very powerful RELATIONSHIP of every believer with Adonai Yeshua Hamashia, Christ Jesus, and only (only, only) through Him, with FATHER GOD.

Only these are “Biblical Christians”, obeying only an uncorrupted Bible, studying BOTH TESTAMENTS, and accepting nothing outside the Bible. These Biblical Christians have been the only friends which Israel has ever had, globally.

Where did the only valid worship of Father God - come from?

Jewish Orthodox (including the ones who hate Christianity) realize that God requires His people to be a light unto the world. They worry about it. Let them read this.

After the Global Flood God selected only one nation to be His spokesman, in the middle of a sea of nations and demon dominated "religions", where Satan appeared to them as an angel of light.

Of all peoples, tribes and nations, whom do you suppose that Satan would attack most?

I think, you have got it.

It is God’s people, God’s Elect, he would attack, those who were supposed to carry God’s Word to the world, to be a Light for mankind. This process continues today.

First it was Israel, the little crowd from Abraham. They failed in many things, but God’s Law came out of Israel, all the Prophets came from Israel, all the Apostles, the Bible came out of Israel and the Savior of mankind, the Messiah (Isaias 53, a person, not a nation) came out of Israel. This nation was to be His spokesman to the world.

This one nation was torn apart for it, decimated, persecuted uttermost, but never destroyed. God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush. The bush was not consumed. The bush is a symbol for Israel. Always in the fire, never consumed.

Out of the smoking ruins of Israel (1st century AD) came Biblical Messianic Christianity, not any church or earthly power, but a people who loved and tried to obey the God of Abraham, as they understood it.

Never confuse Christianity with any existing major power or major religion, or particular church or pastor. Biblical Christianity was and is Jewish. All the earliest Biblical Christians were Jewish. Their MESSIAS, Christ Jesus, is Jewish. Today they try to share this, their only and truly GREATEST TREASURE, with all mankind.

Christianity is NOT any part of Catholicism or the Greek Orthodox. With these religions Rome made a gigantic effort to hijack the emerging and growing Christianity. Some Catholics, secretly, sought and loved our Savior, from Scripture leaking into the population. From its inception Biblical Christianity was always cruelly persecuted. Today, every massacre, every mass murder in the world is the murder of Christians, or would be Christians.

Gods ELECT, the nearly always persecuted Jews, have indeed been already a light unto this world.

And what a light!

Only one week (of years, Daniel 9:24-27) is still missing, where God will again treat with the Nation of Israel. One hundred forty four thousand Isaias- type prophets will go forth globally.

The Messiah, the only hope of mankind, will be finally revealed. The reign of Devils and Devil Worshippers and their endless cruelties will finally and permanently end. Almighty GOD, Himself, shall REPAY for every injustice, very betrayal and cruelty, and repay in eternity as only God can. Right now the Devil People still laugh at the Almighty.

They will not laugh long..

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