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Book Reviews


  1. Book Review: the Impact of God, Soundings From St. John of the Cross by Iain Matthew by Peter Menkin  
    This book is excellent as an introduction to St. John of the Cross, a Christian who wrote wonderful and inspiring books about his relationship with Christ. The works explore love of Christ, and contemplation, illuminate aspects of the Saint's life, as does this, "The Impact of God."

  2. Book Review: Mother Teresa, Come be My Light, the Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta by Brian Kolodiejchuk by Peter Menkin  
    A remarkable and telling story of the life of the modern saint, no deceased, Mother Teresa. This review looks into her need for Christ and focuses on her dark night of the soul. In sum, the book is, Excellent Commentary; Learned and Edifying.

  3. Book Review: the Genesee Diary, a Report From a Trappist Monastery by Henri Nouwen by Peter Menkin  
    A sincere book, more a diary, of a retreat to a Trappist monestery. This book is valuable for all Christian seekers, and is written by the late Priest and writer Henri J.M. Nouwen. The writer is known for his spiritual books. This one is a popular, well-regarded work that has stood the test of time. In the book, the writer Nouwen comes to terms with his life and relationship with Christ.

  4. Book Review: the Way of Jesus Translated by Tony D'souza by Peter Menkin  
    A remarkable and potentially life changing book on the way of Jesus, this work from 1516 originally appeared in German as, "Theologia Germanica." Considered a classic work of Christian writing, readers will find this excellent translation available in its writing style to 21st Century people. As has been said by others, "This is a book helpful in knowing Christ and living the Christian life."

  5. Book Review: the Poetry of Piety, an Annotated Anthology of Christian Poetry by Ben Witherington III by Peter Menkin  
    The slim volume of commentary, reflection, and most important of all, selected Christian poems is a literary and spiritual work. Accessible and readable by the general public, the book though short has intellectual depth and illuminating examples of 28 poets, offering a wide range of pious sensibility

  6. Book Review: to Pause at the Threshold, Reflections on Living on the Border by Esther De Waal by Peter Menkin  
    Like a journey for the reader, this work by well-known Anglican spiritual writer offers new visions for living in our world. An inspiring book that explores borders and thresholds in ones life, the work informs and inspires as it opens up the newness of seeing things and knowing things. A Christian work of transformation, it helps in living the spiritual life. Benedictine living is the avenue of experience offered in the book.

  7. Book Review: Humility Matters, for Practicing the Spiritual Life by Sister Mary Margaret Funk by Peter Menkin  
    A remarkable guide to living the Christian life in the spirit of humility, the work asks for renunciation and choosing a better way for ourselves. A well thought of book by many who have commented on it, the book is for anyone interested in living life with greater practice and aptitude for humility.

  8. Book Review: Dynamics of Faith by Paul Tillich by Peter Menkin  
    Paul Tillich wrote this popular and significant work about God as "ultimate concern" in 1957. The book is remarkable and still contemporary as a statement on belief in God. Theologian Tillich offers the reader what God is and who he is to mankind. A readable and worthwhile book, called "wonderful" by this reviewer, Peter Menkin of Mill Valley, California USA (north of San Francisco).

  9. Book Review: Benedict's Rule, a Translation and Commentary by Peter Menkin  
    A full and significant study of The Rule of St. Benedict, Father Kardong has written a work highly respected among Benedictines. The monk includes his own translation of The Rule in this book, with explanation and commentary accompanying each chapter. The book is about living a Gospel life and its godliness. This is a serious title.

  10. Book Review: the Joy of Being, Daily Readings With John Main by Peter Menkin  
    Part of a series on Modern Spirituality. A deacon wrote in the work commenting one it: "Our effectiveness in trying to turn back the tide of fear and hatred in the world depends upon our own insertion into the mystery of Christ...infused with that mystery, to bring the love that is its fruit back into the world." This book does that, for John Main believes we can help the world through the spirit. Peter Menkin Mill Valley, CA USA (north of San Francisco)

  11. Book Review: Listening Hearts, Discerning Call in Community by Suzanne Farnham by Peter Menkin  
    Worthwhile direction and exploration as a book that offers ways to find confirmation in community. A work that covers the subject area of discernment in the Christian Church, offering discussion and direction for knowing God's will for someone in their vocational needs. The book encourages ministry.

  12. Book Review: an Anthology of Christian Devotion, Holy Communion by Massey H. Shepherd by Peter Menkin  
    Wonderful book of devotions, dedicated to Communion (as in the Eucharist), the work compiled by Priest and Theology Professor Massey H. Shepherd makes excellent reading, reflection, and study. Composed of various readings, the study value of this "special" book has been meaningful to the reader in his relationship with the Church and Christ. --Peter Menkin Mill Valley, CA USA (north of San Francisco)

  13. Book Review: Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton by Peter Menkin  
    Readable work on a man's love for God, written by writer and monk Thomas Merton. A journey of getting closer to God, or as Thomas Merton might say, God allowing someone to get closer to Him.

  14. Book Review: Spirituality of the Psalms by Walter Brueggemann by Peter Menkin  
    Meaning and understanding of the Psalms, "Brief, brilliant treatmenst of vital aspects of faith and life..." For readers who wish to explore and gain explanation, orientation of the Psalms in their illuminating meaning, regardless of being Christian or Jewish. This work is written by the noted Walter Brueggemann, and is a readable, slim 74 pages.

  15. Book Review: Wound of Knowledge by Archbishop Rowan Williams by Peter Menkin  
    Remarkable book by a leading Anglican theologin and the Archbishop of Canterbury (2008) Rowan Williams, an illuminating God in Christ brilliant work, well thought out study about certainties, graces and Christian spirituality. The work tells of the never ceasing pilgrimage of the heart or spirit. Written " develop...a new generation of writers and teachers who will encourage people to think and pray in new ways about spirituality, reconciliation, and the future," says the publisher.

  16. Book Review: Home for Christmas, Stories for Young and Old Compiled by Miriam Leblanc by Peter Menkin  
    Christmas season collection subtitled, "Stories for Young and Old", this Orbis Book has the seal of approval of this reader. This quote from the work: "Even though Christmas is exploited for profit, even though its meaning is often corrupted, it is still the time of year that we feel the impulse to tink of others. It is still the season of anticipation and joy."

  17. Book Review: Sacred Reading, the Ancient Art of Lectio Divina by Michael Casey by Peter Menkin  
    From my review (Peter Menkin): " helpful with The Rule of St. Benedict. In the Preface, it says, "You will find in this book many references to Saint Benedict's Rule for monasteries and to other classical works of the monastic tradition." This is a reliable book for those inclined to The Rule, and to "The Spirit of Monastic Lectio." A book about the way and method of sacred reading.

  18. Audio Review: the Book of Psalms Read by Michael York by Peter Menkin  
    From my review (Peter Menkin): "...the Psalms read by Michael York are read as if commissioned by King David. I can't say as if King David himself were reading the Psalms, for that isn't as accurate as the former, for the reading is clearly one spoken with eloquence fit for any hearer, even King David. High praise, are those remarks, and this collection of The Psalms are worth such praise."

  19. Book Review: Lent With Evelyn Underhill Edited by G.p. Mellick Belshaw by Peter Menkin  
    Devotional resource for use as Lenten reflection, this selection of writings by the religious mystic Evelyn Underhill is an excellent choice for the season. The reader gets to know Evelyn Underhill through the intent and character of this book, it time well spent, but mainly is a focus related to Lent rather than an introduction to the person. "Evelyn Underhill, one ... outstanding modern writers of interior life, wrote from the perspective of living in two worlds:... natural and supernatural."

  20. Book Review: the Mystical Way in the Fourth Gospel, Crossing Over Into God by L. William Countryman by Peter Menkin  
    About John's Gospel in the New Testament (Bible), this exegesis of the Fourth Gospel " one the idea that entering into a life that is capable of following a path to mystical union...becomes for the believer a warm and rewarding goal." (From the review by Peter Menkin, Mill Valley, CA USA). The Gospel is achievable and enlightening, according to the book, and this title allows those wishing to be introduced to a theology to do so.

  21. Book Review: on Christian Theology (challenges in Contemporary Theology) by Peter Menkin  
    Thought provoking book by the Archbishop of Canterbury, an Anglican, the Christian work offers theological lessons in matters of the heart and unities in God. Large issues are addressed in the work, and though the book won't be found on popular reading lists, as a compilation of Rowan Williams book it is an excellent selections about God in Christ.

  22. Book Review: Come, Lord Jesus: Daily Readings for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany by Geoffrey Rowell by Peter Menkin  
    Book of readings of writings from excerpts of the Bible, this work of meditations is a devotional for Advent and Christmas. The publisher says the work is not a conventional Advent book of readings and prayers, but it is traditional. This reviewer (Peter Menkin, Obl Cam OSB) found the readings and reflections an excellent book of the season.

  23. Book Review: Celebrating the Seasons, Daily Spiritual Readings for the Christian Year by Robert Atwell by Peter Menkin  
    Valuable and reading, with selection of readings for the Church year will offer Anglicans and Episcopalians a wonderful daily resource. The selections aren't too long, yet excellent in their in choice and exposition. A readable title whose purchase the reviewer (Peter Menkin) calls an event in his life. The title will enhance the spiritual year, and is liturgical in construct. This book has a Benedictine bent.

  24. Book Review: Christian Meditation: Experiencing the Presence of God by James Finley by Peter Menkin  
    James Finley has written a work on contemplation and Christian meditation helpful in learning to seek God in ones life. The writer of the review says: "In this conversion of life and the heart, which I have practiced and in practicing found this book useful as a contemplative seeking and traveling the way, even when not knowing the path but being there anyway, I found the practice of meditation is a starting point in the interior journey." The work brings the reader to contemplation effectively.

  25. Book Review: the Dwelling of the Light: Praying With Icons of Christ by Rowan Williams by Peter Menkin  
    Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams'lovely meditation on Christ. This pretty book is thoughtful, readable writing for meditation and prayer. Icons illustrate the work: The Transfigurattion, The Resurrection, Christ as one of the Trinity.

  26. Book Review: Psalms for All Seasons by John F. Craghan by Peter Menkin  
    "The book takes about 55 Psalms and discusses each one of them. There is the Psalm, then the commentary. Some chapters end with a quotation from the Bible, which are also discussed in a commentary manner. In each section, for the Psalms are divided into types, there is an introduction. For Wisdom Psalms the author John F. Craghan introduces the type: "Wisdom psalms emphasize the doctrine of retribution; that is, they attempt to offer a theological explanation of success and failure..."

  27. Book Review: Christ and the Universe by Robert Hale by Peter Menkin  
    The Very Reverend Robert Hale, a monk of New Camaldoli, Immaculate Heart Hermitage, Big Sur, CA USA is a thoughtful and excellent teacher. This from the review by Peter Menkin, Obl Cam OSB: This is a book that originally was a doctoral thesis, mine printed around 1972. It is a work that allows the reader to participate in a thought process and intuitive, yes even intuitive, scholarly study of Teilhard de Chardin and the Cosmos. I recommend the book, a slim volume of good writing.

  28. Book Review: the Golden String: an Autobiography by Bede Griffiths by Peter Menkin  
    Bede Griffiths, a deceased monk and priest, is considered a holy man of wisdom by many. This spiritual classic is a work about spiritual journey, and widening vistas. Bede Griffiths, a contemplative, spent a greater part of his life in India. From the review: Here in this book, an autobiography of a man of God, there is a larger sense of the Christian faith ecumenical, a to be of our future, yet with the promise of Christ that says we are this unique group, Christian.

  29. Book Review: the Practice of the Presence of God by Peter Menkin by Peter Menkin  
    This is a lovely and well designed book that leads the reader into a special appreciation of what becomes of simple presence and prayer to God. Brother Lawrence is an uncomplicated man who performs work in the kitchen and finds a relationship with God through his constant prayer life. Like an unveiling of some mystery that once displayed is no mystery, "The Practice of the Presence of God" is both story and book of instruction for the seeker. The version of the book published by Paraclete Press

  30. Book Review: the Workbook on the Ten Commandments by Maxie D. Dunnam by Peter Menkin  
    Workbook on learning the Ten Commandments, published by Upper Room Publications (Methodist). A very good source for becoming more familiar with the Decalogue. This reviewer used the book for individual study, though it may also be used by group.


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