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Lesson on Radicalism

by Dawn Dale  
1/22/2007 / Politics

I have frequently fought the conceptual basis of democratic thought and I now find it a deep struggle to embrace members of the Democratic Party. Wanting to change my stance, I'm fighting to grasp something that will open the door to reach the heart of the democratic person, not just the party.

Homosexuality is wrong.

Dead wrong.

Abortion is wrong.

D__d wrong.

I've prayed and asked, "Is there a clue, Lord, that will get to this deeply, morally wrong emphasis?"

Yes, I know Jesus is the answer and I hold the keys . . . but. . . where do I make these keys fit in the theology of the Democratic thought processes?

It's like a painful joint that struggles to move. I have to practice this, or I'll lose the opportunity to bring those in this deep darkness to the Light.

You'll lose the opportunity, Lord, because I'm your instrument. I know the ramifications. As a chosen one, it's not up to me to make them see my pain. It's up to me to look upon their pain and it's mine to seek the Healer of men's hearts on behalf of their pain.

Please take my hand, reader. I'm going to try to walk alongside them. That's what Jesus does for me. Take a first step with me...

It's scary, "Oh, I'm slipping. . . but, no, I find firm footing, here. "

What? My eyes . . . something is funny. . . not quite right? It all looks different when I look with their eyes. Such a scary world. Frightful!

Everything really is against me. . . er . . . uh. . . against them.

"Because I have no hope, I have to create my own!" That's what I'm sensing is in the heart of those I'm trying to walk alongside of.

These eyes are quite difficult, Lord, because I have Hope and I have You. It's because of this hope that I embark on this exposition. Cause my reader to seek instruction that offers life. These words may bring anger, initially, but, ultimately, they bring life.

The heart of many in the Democratic Party does not have Hope, and they're forced to defend against any who would come against them.

Even a baby?

How threatened they must feel! "Lord, provide a real answer to this false insecurity. "

When I step back into the world You've created for me, Lord, I want to protect the one who might, just might, one day come against me.

Even a baby.

What threat they feel, Lord. I'm beginning to see.

They even distort their defense to cover one who has no moral ground to stand on. They know the homosexual has no ground to stand on, so they stretch their defense in the cause of one who will offer no resistance. For lack of resistance and self control has led these poor ones to a weak and debacled state.

Homosexuality and abortion are a covering that masks the real issue and heart of the Democratic person. They lack strength to stand against these issues that diabolically oppose the well being of our nation. Homosexuality and abortion are actually weak causes because their outcome is self destruction. One who lacks strength to stand against such weak causes illuminates their weakness and disqualifies their leadership capacity. Therefore, weakness is the root cause of the Democrat, but, it's to preserve weakness that they fight.

Lord, when I step back into my world, I see that my fight is also for the weak.

To annihilate it.

To stamp it out. To not only place the one who is weak into God, but to see God become alive in this weak one. This is the place weakness should lead us to. This is the harmony of life, if you will. We are weak, He is strong.

The one who is in a weakened state becomes prey for . . .

Do you see it?

They become prey for those who will exploit their weakness. Hiding behind the causes of homosexuality and abortion , Democrats mask their own weakness. They masquerade as champions of these causes, yet, they are actually promoting themselves. All the while, those adherents of these unprincipled lifestyles suffer for lack of truth that gives life.

I try to take a gentle approach, but, I find my anger entering this dialogue. I hear that homosexuality and abortion are their cause, but, the real cause of the Democratic Party is weakness that seeks covering from these "causes".

Democratic thought fears that which is within its own heart---weakness.

Don't we all!???

While some of us respond to our own weaknesses (infirmity, if you will) with the seeking to hold the Hand of One much stronger, yet much more tender, some of the democratic persuasion react to their own weakness with protectiveness. Defensive opposition is the result of this protectiveness. Inside this fragile shell is a deep-rooted fear that has never been faced. It's the fear that "I'm as weak as I really think I am".

Yes, while some of us respond to our weakness by seeking to hold the strong Hand of our Loving Heavenly Father, we face our weakness. Isn't that the basics of the basics of this life; we are weak, He is strong. There is not a deeper truth, there is not a more noble road, my Christian Friend. Face weakness. Face it! From that point of contact, we can reach out to others. We are humbled by our weakness and God's strong hand. Humble persuasion should be the result of this confrontation of weakness. If we are changed by this encounter with ourselves, our weakness, and our God, we remain lost and weak unless we seek to persuade others for and toward God.

Can we please persuade, now?

The issues of homosexuality and abortion loom larger than they have the right to. Again, the core issue of Democrats is weakness and in gentle strength, we who are spiritual ought to restore such ones as these to health and good works. It is no more difficult than that. The ramifications of allowing homosexuality and abortion to have free reign in the political realm puts us all in jeopardy. These two issues have a greater global effect than many we see in the daily news. I believe these are greater problems than those of nuclear emissions or terrorism, because they erode us from the inside out.

Can I justify these statements?

The issues that Democrats have hidden behind, in their own weakness, of abortion and homosexuality cause the affront of America to be viewed as one of arrogance. We have placed ourselves above God, in the mind of radicalism, because we have deemed it our right to tolerate that which God hates. Nothing justifies the demonstration of radicalism, but, maybe we can learn a bit about what really is behind the hatred for America and the heart of this extreme ideology.

You see, I don't think it's necessarily our wealth, technology, or even our political stratosphere that radicalism is against. If we look with rose colored glasses, we convince ourselves that we are hated by radicalism because we are good and we arrive at this conclusion because we are wealthy. Technologically advanced.

If we take off those rose colored glasses, I believe we will see that radicalism hates us because we are immoral. In my understanding, immorality is seen as arrogance by these extreme ideologies.

It may be just a stone's throw away---the distance between us.

Our own social debauchery (i.e. homosexuality and abortion) may be what frightens radicalism, not so much because they see our freedom to tolerate these immoral concepts, but because they see the leadership of America is being eroded.

Radicalism needs America to continue to be a leader. Radicalism fears its own power and recognizes that self destruction is also their end when their power goes unchecked. A strong America can keep boundaries around radical ideology. A strong America, yes, with its many allies, can reign in radical ideology and place it in the position that allows us to benefit from its constructs, not suffer from its destructions.

Perhaps Democratic thought can begin to grasp this summation. Homosexuality and abortion are the decline and the defeat of the Democratic Party. These causes are weakness and they equal the decline and defeat of something much larger that we all love. Democrat, Republican, any salutation we give ourselves within this large, vast heartland and homeland that we call America.

Democratic footing is going to be shaken by this article. We, as Democrats (ah---there I am inside of this Party), don't want to adhere to causes that have no right to destroy us... as a party or as a nation.

Religion! There it is again in the middle of every war.

If that be so, my Democratic friends, may we please take heed to temper our unions with that which truly prospers the heart and soul of the nation. History tells us that questionable unions precede the downfall of great nations. History is a story that we should study.

It's almost too common-sense to allude to it in this intellectual piece; if we support homosexuality and abortion, we annihilate ourselves. It's self hatred that we express. If we truly hate ourselves in this way, radicalism has every right to hate us, as well.

We've invited this hatred, yes, but not for the reasons Democratic thought prevails upon. It's not because of the wealth, technological advances, strong military capability and the arrogance that may be perceived to go along with these things that we are hated. It's because of the erosion of morality in our society that we are perceived of as arrogant. Specifically, it's support of homosexuality and abortion, along with many other moral declines that invite the hatred of radicalism.

We've placed ourselves above God by allowing these behaviors to go rampant and unchecked in our society.

Therefore, yes, religion again. Perhaps there is a reason as to why religion is at the core of all wars. Perhaps we are intended to have something worth fighting for. Perhaps we need justification for our existence in this world.

If we stand up for what is right, I believe we will silence the hatred of radicalism. Our strong military capabilities will not be perceived as frightful contenders on the global scene because the justification for our actions will be more clear. Those of radical theology may have once looked upon America with hopeful eyes, but, now, they are confused by our confused political (and even, sexual) agenda. Our "freedom" (if you insist on calling it that) should not be an occasion of stumbling for others. Hatred of our moral decline is now coupled by fear of our political decline and the decline of our leadership amongst the nations.

This exposition can be summed up in this equation. Decline is the defeat which equals opportunity for extreme radical ideology. By virtue of their support of issues that speak moral decline, the Democratic Party has placed themselves in a cage they can't afford to be placed in. The walls of this cage will collapse on them and, if we're not careful, they will bring down an entire nation with them.

So frequently, blame is placed on the Republican Party for the rise in terrorism. The reality may be that Republicans have bled dearly over wounds brought about by the carelessness of Democratic causes. These causes have greater ramifications than the popular demise of the Democratic Party. Homosexuality and abortion have put the Democratic Party in the limelight, rather than the Democratic Party illuminating these causes. As such, the Democratic Party may have lost on both sides of the issues.

These words prove my friendship with those in the Democratic Party. I have offered instruction, herein, that can produce greater life for this Party. My Democratic friend may have the opportunity to represent me if he or she will cease and desist from representing what are now traditional Democratic thesis. This thesis isn't traditional me. It isn't traditional American. It simply sets up Democrats in their own society; one that is not part of the real America.

In this Light, radicalism may not be that radical. The depth of our well-being depends on us and not the extreme actions of radicalism. This discourse has been staged, before, but it was Democrats casting Republican ideals as the cause of radical hatred for America. The Republican Party has stood before the accuser, silently.

Isn't it time to face facts?

We face our weakness in this article (to a degree). Isn't it time to face the fact that we don't have the right to hide behind causes that the public views as "worse" than ourselves and our self? Selfish protectiveness has caused us to obscure who we really are by promoting the causes of the homosexual and the one who seeks abortion of their own child. We know that the frame of these individuals is weak and, therefore, we've obscured ourselves and hidden behind these.

How depraved and god-awful these causes are in the mind of the public and, therefore, we know we can obscure who we really are in the political realm by hiding behind these causes. We are true cowards who have exploited such weakness.

Please, Democratic friend, I'll call you a brother and a sister if you stand up for who you really are. I can't vote when there's not a real person to vote for. I certainly can't vote for these fabricated causes. I want the chance to vote for who you are. I simply don't want to vote for the depravity of America and the destruction of ourselves.

Own your demise, today, and receive life from this exposition. Radical hatred is not the result of Republican ideals.

Copyright: Dawn Dale, 2007

Dawn Dale has degrees in counseling and psychology and founded The Christian Heartbeat:

Article Source: WRITERS

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