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What it means to walk in Humility

by naomi Cassata  
10/02/2009 / Bible Studies

What it really means to walk in Humility
By Naomi Cassata

John 13:1-17

He looked around the room. It was filled with those closest to him. He knew the end was drawing near and all things must be fulfilled; so laying aside his garment, he girded himself with a towel. He began to fill a basin with water. The others in the room watched, wondering what was about to transpire. Just then Jesus knelt beside one. He kindly touched each foot, and began to wash them with the water from the basin. Taking the towel he had girded on his side, he gently dried each one. Peter, watching what was taking place was astonished. Only a mere servant should do such a lowly act, not the Son of God. One would think the King of kings would have come to be served; and yet, here he was, girded as a humble servant, washing his follower's feet. This was unheard of. When it came time for Peter's feet to be washed, he could not bear it any longer. He exclaimed, "You shall never wash my feet!"

1. Why do you think Peter responded in this way?





2. How do you think you would have responded in Peter's position?





Peter had been with Jesus for three years of his life. He saw the miracles he had perrformed; he saw the compassion for the crowds in his eyes; he saw Jesus' transfiguration on the Mount. He knew what Jesus stood for, and most importantly he knew who Jesus was. With all this knowledge, I wonder if it was guilt that caused Peter to feel this way; someone so righteous washing the feet of someone so sinful? Or could it be that knowing Jesus was truly the Son of God, he couldn't bear seeing him serve? Whatever the reason, Peter had a lot to learn about how the Kingdom of God operates.

On earth, Jesus served others. Those that were broken, hurt, despised, sinners and outcasts, the lowest of the low, became the focus of Jesus' life. He served them by meeting their deepest needs. He came to earth and made himself of no reputation. His only desire was to reach mankind. Fame, money and material possessions meant nothing to him.

The lesson we learn from what transpired between Jesus and his disciples is a sure example of humility. If we ever think that we are to be served rather than serve others, we have missed God in whatever area it is. Our goal should never be to become someone great or to seek fortune and recognition; rather our goal should be how we can touch the lives of others. If we claim to be followers of Jesus, we too must walk as he walked.

3. Why do you think Jesus lived so humble?




Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Luke 11:29)

The greatest among you will be your servant. (Matthew 23:11)

And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. (Matthew 23:12)

The principle of position is reversed when comparing Heaven and earth. On earth, we look up to those that have power and authority. Even as children we argue over who will be the leader. Having prestige and power in this world is looked upon as great success. If you have neither, then you really haven't made it in life. In contrast, the Kingdom of Heaven smiles on humility. Choosing to live a life of humility by putting others first and functioning out of compassion is looked at, from Heaven's perspective, as ruler material. The more humble you walk on earth, the greater you become in Heaven. Jesus did exactly this during his short life on the earth. He touched the untouchable, forgave the undeserving, took notice of the poor, and gave strength to the weak. Although he was a man of much power and authority, he did not use it to his own advantage. For Jesus to come as a "self proclaimed" king would have been in direct contrast to the atmosphere of Heaven. Although he had every right because he surely was a King, he presented himself as the very opposite - a simple servant. Jesus' motives were never ignited by popularity or money. These meant nothing to him. We can learn through Jesus' example that true humility never boasts about who they are. However you choose to live on earth, will follow you into eternity.

4. In what ways can we walk in humility amongst others?





Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)

This is a hard truth to follow. But there are great promises to those that do. Many people have a misunderstanding of what it means to live humbly. Let's start off with what it is not. It is not walking around with a pious expression on our faces quoting scriptures from the Holy Bible. Movies portray these types of people as the most holy and humble creatures that walked the earth. Too holy to even be touched by the common man. Neither is humility someone who begrudgingly helps others. Doing acts of kindness does not make anyone humble; if their heart is not in it, then their acts of charity count for nothing.

Now let's talk about what humility is. To get out of our self-centered box and love others is the first step to a life of humility. It never focuses on how doing good to others will benefit itself. It gives to others expecting nothing in return; not keeping count of the wrongs done to us and forgiving; not boasting about our possessions nor our title are a few examples of humility. It is simply treating others with the same thoughtfulness we treat ourselves with but to a higher level. It's not just being nice, but going beyond nice. For example, if someone I knew was struggling financially and they couldn't buy many groceries for their family, to sit back and tell them I was praying for them and God will take care of them would be nice, but to put some actions behind those words and buy them groceries would be going beyond. If I were to get on a bus with another person and there was one seat left, to allow the other person to have the seat would be going beyond. Although both of us have the right to it, to put that other person above our own right would be to walk humbly. Humility is simply placing someone else's needs on a higher level than our own. This is not to say that we become a door mat to be treaded upon.

There must be a heart change in order to live humbly. Once your perspective changes on how you see others, and realize there is more to life than "me, me, me," then your actions will follow. It isn't always convenient to go out of your way to help someone. It isn't always glamorous to put yourself out there. It is usually isn't beneficial either. Jesus' own life proved this. He was mocked, ridiculed, unjustly judged, condemned and beaten for living this way, but he knew what the outcome would be. Not only were we blessed by his sacrifice, but he was exalted and sat at his Father's right side. (Read: Philippians 2:5-11 for further insight)

5. How are "others" benefited when we walk in humility?





Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. (1Peter 3:8)

6. How do "we" benefit when we walk in humility?





For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation. (Psalm 149:4)

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." (Luke 14:11)

But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." (James 4:6)

Ending Notes:
Walking in humility is not always easy. Our human nature leads us not too. If we want to live lives that are pleasing to God, and smiled on from Heaven, humility is the way to go. Not only do we bless others when we walk this way, but we find grace in the sight of God as well.

Article Source: WRITERS

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