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The Joy of Jesus is Love
by Dr.James A. Lee
2/12/2010 / Christian Living
People around the world seek love and find love in some rather peculiar means and places. Often people die before they can ever experience the true love that all have thirst for since the beginning of time. Yet never knowing nor understanding the true power of love.
Love is such a rare commodity. The business-people make huge attempts to package love. For example, candy, flowers, rings, movies and books make tremendous efforts to depict love for a certain level of profit. However, the after effect is rather empty without the full acceptance of the heart or soul.
What can the community of faith find in the world that may bring about peace, hope and joy in the ideal of love? We can quickly look to Calvary for the greatest act, sign and symbol of love. Jesus died on the cross for all of the sins of the world.
God gave us Jesus for everything wrong that could never be right. This is indeed a miracle that the world has ever witnessed. God loves us so much. He gave up His son.
God is love. Jesus is the person for whom God gave to us. Love is all about giving. Did we earn this love? Can it ever be re-paid? That is why we should be filled with joy. That is why we sing for joy.
Our hope and peace is wrapped-up in this incredible act of love. God is Love in love, This power is so great it raises the Sun every morning. We love God because He love us first. Jesus is the gift of Joy. Love is ti be shared. It is deep in ones heart and soul. We must thank God and praise God for His love. This is the joy of our salvation in Christ Jesus. Love lifted me.
Rev. Dr. James A. Lee a minister of The Lord Jesus Christ for over 40 years. Pastor of The Joy of Jesus
Article Source: WRITERS
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