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God Never Wastes a Hurt --- We Do

2/16/2010 / Devotionals

Thank the past for who you are.

It's not often that you hear that. In fact, for most of us, the past holds great pain for us. We don't like to revisit it, much less thank it for anything. We don't often feel that hurtful or painful moments in our lives did us any favors. I know I haven't. But I've been wrong before.

Nothing in our lives is a mistake. Nothing. I believe that. I believe that things happen for a reason. That God knows every detail, every moment of my life. And I believe that He allows some things to happen to me and cause other things to happen to me on purpose. I may not understand or even like it but I believe that. But I'm also learning that not everything that happens to me is about me. Sometimes it may be about someone else and I'm swept into circumstances for God's greater plan.

If we breathe if we live at some point, we're going to hurt. There's no avoiding it. But the real question is, do we learn from it? Do we let it become a gift to us?

If we try to bury our past, forget our past, or even ignore it it's like in a way that we are telling God that He made a mistake with us. Because if we acknowledged that what happened was for a reason that we might not be able to comprehend, if we allowed what happened to some way work for us and not against us, if we have been able to use what God allowed in our lives to help us grow in our faith or to help someone else then we are acknowledging that we trust God's reasoning behind it all and are ready to let Him work through those things in our lives today and now.

God never wastes a hurt. It is us that waste the hurts in our lives. It's us that get bitter, grow cold, or allow what happened to completely consume or overtake our lives so that we always remain in "victim" mode when that is NOT what God intended for us. It is us that try to ignore something so personal, so painful like it never happened when it lives with us every moment.

I may not like everything that has happened to me. In fact, I'm still learning to forgive and heal in certain areas. And I think that's more than okay as long as I continue to move forward and make strides in those "soft spots." But I'm also not trying to deny anything. I've made mistakes heaven knows. Others have made mistakes that have included or hurt me. But I'm learning how to acknowledge those moments, take them to the Lord, and let Him use them how He sees fit because I think that's the only way that those painful moments won't be wasted hurts in my life. It's the only way that God can get the glory and I can truly move on the better from them.

If I'm to truly trust God with how He works in my life, I need to trust that He's behind ALL of it. Not just today or tomorrow but yesterday too. And in order for me to truly move forward, I can't "shelve" certain areas of my life. I need to bring them to the table before Him and ask Him how He wants me to deal with or use certain issues or areas.

I may think something was unfair when God sees it as just right for whatever plan He had in mind. What's done in our past is done. The real question is what are we going to do with it? If they bring me closer to Him, or use me to bring someone else closer to Him. How can we not thank God for those yesterdays? And if they haven't brought us or someone else closer to Him, maybe we just haven't done our part in the equation. I think it's high time we did. After all, the most painful part is over with!

Trust that God didn't make a mistake with your past. Trust Him to use it in your life and watch the real beauty of His plan unfold. Do you have the trust that it takes or will you miss out and be trapped by those moments forever? He wants us to be free. Let Him take you there.

~Dionna Sanchez is Founder of and freelance writes. She also blogs at
Contact her at [email protected]

Article Source: WRITERS

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