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Hunger and Thirst

by Duane Huffstutler  
4/04/2010 / Christian Living

Hunger and Thirst

Matt 5:6, John 6:35, 1Cor 11:34, Rev 7:16

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

What does it mean to hunger and thirst after righteousness? When I first heard this question I thought that they were pulling my leg, just testing me. The ones that asked were seasoned Christians, or so I thought. So I ask, what does it mean to hunger and thirst after food? Your answer might beat least 3 times a day my belly tells my head that I haven't eaten anything in a long time and it is time to eat. If I ignore it then the signal gets louder. After a while it gets so that either I eat or I get in pain. That is the normal reaction from the physical body. When I eat something even if it is not what I really want the body becomes satisfied enough to stop the pain. I may still be hungry for something specific but I am not at the point of discomfort anymore.

What makes you to be hungry physically? It is not anything that you do. You are born with a hunger for food to sustain your physical body. I have seen very few babies that after a little while from being born they are not ready to eat. Most of the babies are ready to eat within a little while after they are born. They do not want a steak, they want milk. They are not able to eat and digest steak or any solid food; they must have milk because that is all that their system can handle at this point.

So how do you get hungry and thirsty spiritually? When you gave your live to Jesus he put a clean new feeling inside of you and you had a desire to do things that pleased him. Along with that clean feeling you received a hunger to find out who Jesus is and what he wants from you. You received a desire to read the Bible. So you take your Bible and start reading at Genesis and get so very confused that you eventually quit reading instead of asking for help. When you quit reading and praying it is like going on a long fast physically, your spirit gets to where it doesn't matter anymore. On a long fast physically you eventually get to the point that food does not even appeal to you. Your body needs it but you have no desire for it. You will actually loose your hunger. The same thing happens spiritually, when you quit feeding your spirit you eventually loose your desire to eat spiritually. You loose your hunger for the word of God and everything that goes with it.

What must I do to get my hunger back? In order to get hungry again you must start eating again. Sometimes it is a very hard task to rebuild your hunger again. Like coming off a long fast you must force yourself to eat and deal with the pains and other things that come with starting to eat again. In the spiritual side of this when you loose your hunger for the things of God you must go back to the altar and search your self to find out why you lost your hunger. When the Lord tells you the answer to that, you must start force feeding your spirit. It is not an easy task. You must read the word of God even when you don't feel like it. You must pray even when you don't feel like it. You must read the word of God even when it puts you to sleep. You may have to read out loud in order to get more of your senses involved to keep yourself awake. When you go to sleep praying; pray out loud so that you can get your whole body involved and keep yourself awake. You will have spiritual pain in order to get through it but if you want to keep your spirit alive you have to do it, if not your spirit will die.

Jesus said in John 6:35 I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

So how do you keep from hungering and thirsting for righteousness?

So all you have to do is come to him humbly. Read his word and study it. Not just when you feel like it but every day without fail. If you will make the effort to get to him he will make the effort to get to you. He will not fail to meet you when you try to get to him with our whole heart. He will take away your hunger and as long as you believe in him you will never get spiritually thirsty.

Duane L. Huffstutler, Written 2011,
Duane L. Huffstutler is the Sunday School Director at Oak Grove Pentecostal Ministries in Bonifay Florida. All scripture is from the King James Version (1611)

Article Source: WRITERS

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