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by Duane Huffstutler  
4/11/2010 / Christian Living


Isaiah 53:4-5
Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities: The chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

What does it mean for Christ to have borne our griefs and carried our sorrows?
Borne means to bear and one of its meanings is to accept or have as an obligation as to bear the cost. Carried our sorrows actually means to bear the weight or burden of them.

Christ has taken our griefs as his own and he took our sorrows so they no longer belong to us. But our problem is that we refuse to let go of them and actually are willing to stand against Christ almost to fight him for the right to carry our own griefs and sorrows so that we can get each other's pity. Why do we do this? Usually it is because we feel that someone else is getting more attention than we are and we get jealous of them and will use any reason we can come up with to get other peoples attention.

Yet we admire him by showing the affects of the affliction and misfortunes in the way we look at him. We see these laid upon him as from God and not that he voluntarily take them from us. He did not have to take anything from a human. He could have said they are not worth it and walked away and he would have still been God. But he loved us so much that he voluntarily took the abuse. He refused to speak during the trial because he loved us so much and God had hardened their hearts so they would kill him and take back ownership of the world. He allowed them to hit him. He allowed them to crucify him. He lay down on the cross and did not struggle with them because he loved us enough to freely take all of our sins on himself. He allowed them to beat him because he did not want us to have to suffer with sickness and disease.

But we do not love him enough to trust him with our hurts, pains and sickness. We don't love him enough to get in and study his word and let it become a part of us. If we did we would still be hit with these things but we would rebuke them when they first got started in the name of Jesus and the Blood of Jesus would stop it before we got real bad. Then we could Praise God, and we would start standing and watching Jesus take care of it all. Each stripe on his back was for each category of disease and doctors have found that out of all of the sickness and disease there are only 39 categories.

Don't get me wrong we are going to be attacked, but what we do when the attack comes determines the outcome. If we refuse to accept what Christ did for us 2000 years ago and fight it on our own we will be on our own and go down with it. But if we accept what Christ did and let him have ownership of it, because he purchased it with his life and his blood, then we won't have to fight it. He already fought the battle and won. Why should we have to fight it all over again? All we have to do is stand on his word and trust him. Get into his word both old and new Testaments and see what he did. Spend enough time in the word that it soaks in and we actually start believing what the Bible says that God did for us and let him do it again for us. The Bible says that God changes not. So why do we believe that what he did in the Bible and promises to do for us he won't do? That is just a lie from Satan and I don't understand why but it seems a lot easier to believe a lie from Satan than to believe a promise from God.

God made us a promise in Isaiah 53:4-5, as well as hundreds more throughout the Bible. Who are you going to believe?

Duane L. Huffstutler, Written 2011,
Duane L. Huffstutler is the Sunday School Director at Oak Grove Pentecostal Ministries in Bonifay Florida. All scripture is from the King James Version (1611)

Article Source: WRITERS

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