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by Duane Huffstutler  
4/21/2010 / Christian Living


Psalms 91

Where is that Secret Place? It is in prayer where you can tell the Lord about anything and it is kept between you and the Lord. You don't have to worry about the world finding out about all your secrets and giving you hard time about them. It is in reading the Word of God. This is where God tells you how to handle each situation and how to live, talk and work. This is how you can become like Jesus and know that he lives in you. It is in the study of the Word of God. This is where you truly understand what is being said and this is also where you become one with the Lord. You begin to trust him with your life and everything that you are and have; knowing that (Romans 8:28) all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Psalms 32:7 states: thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.

When you can trust the Lord completely he becomes your hiding place and he will take care of everything that comes against you. It is at this point that anything that comes against you must go through him. God is your protector, very similar to a hen and her chicks. If she sees them in danger she will call for them to come to her and will gather them under her wings. She will then die before she will allow anything to hurt her chicks. He is trying to build our confidence in him telling us that we don't have to worry about anything because he is going to take care of it. He then proves it in Isaiah 14:12-20 where Lucifer rebels against God and is cast down. It is then said of him how that people are going to wonder why they were afraid of him when they actually see him for who he is; the one who destroyed everything but has already been defeated.

Isaiah 24:21-23 talks about how the Lord is going to punish those that come against God's people. They will be locked up in a pit and after a time will be found wanting. They will come up short is the judgment. Then in Daniel 10:11-13 talks about how Daniel had been fasting and praying and God had sent and angel with the answer but a prince from Satan's kingdom had delayed him but then Michael the Archangel was sent to take care of the situation and the answer to Daniels prayer got through. Then in Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus was lead into the wilderness to be tempted by Lucifer himself. Jesus defeated Lucifer with the Word of God and submission to the word. First with Man shall not live by bread alone form Deuteronomy 8:3. So Satan threw Psalms 91:11-12 at Jesus and Jesus came back with thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God form Deuteronomy 6:16. The third Satan offered Jesus the whole world and he wouldn't have to die for it but Jesus would have to worship Lucifer and Jesus defeated him with Deuteronomy 6:13 and Deuteronomy 10:20 thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve. Lucifer was defeated again. Need I go on. Every time Lucifer or one of his followers came against Jesus or one of God's children Lucifer was defeated by the word of God and all they had to do was to completely trust in God without question. Why should we doubt God when we can read his word and Satan is defeated at every turn? Matthew 8:28-33, 17:14-18, Mark 1:23-28, 3:10-15, 3:20-27 and it goes on and on. God is going to take care of those that trust him with their whole heart and God will not fail and Lucifer cannot win. It may seem that Lucifer is winning but there are times when God allows Satan the upper hand as in the case of Job, to try his people so that God can bless them for standing strong. Satan can never win the war although some battles are questionable just don't take your eyes off of God and never doubt anything that God allows to come your way it is only to make you stronger not to tear you down. It is to draw you closer to God not to make you fall. It is to help you to trust God more because you are able to witness the miracle at the end. What is a miracle? It is something that is accomplished when there is no logical or man known way that it could have been accomplished. And God wants to do miracles everyday and he wants to bless us everyday. All he wants from us is our undying love and trust. He has already showed us through his word that he can and will do whatever is needed to take care of us.

What is our problem? Why can't we just trust him? He did it in the Bible and the Bible says that God changes not. He is the same yesterday, today and forever that means he can do it now if we will meet his conditions. What are his conditions? To Love and trust him without reservations. Psalms 91:14-16 Love him with your whole heart and he will do the rest. How do I love him with my whole heart? Let's break it down a little more. Have you ever had to do something and your heart was not in it? Maybe like going to work, or a report that you haven't had time to complete because you were not really interested in the topic. You didn't do a very good job on the task. What about making the kids clean up their room? It is usually done half-hearted and seldom up to standards. But when you do something with your whole heart you do it to the best of your ability and everyone knows it. You are not ashamed of the job you have done. In the same line if you do it with your whole heart God will look after you with his whole heart and neither of you will be ashamed. Then God may even show off for you and Bless you in ways you never even asked for. Try him and see. You give him 100 percent and see if he doesn't turn around and give you back more than 100 percent.

Duane L. Huffstutler, Written 2011,
Duane L. Huffstutler is the Sunday School Director at Oak Grove Pentecostal Ministries in Bonifay Florida. All scripture is from the King James Version (1611)

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