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Don't Stop

by PamFord Davis  
5/18/2010 / Devotionals

Are you easily sidetracked? When opposition surfaces do you take the easy way out? We prefer a smooth ride; there are frequently bumps along the way. The most needed improvements or changes seem to stir up the greatest resistance. Outsiders with ulterior motives do everything within their power to stop or delay progress.

Nehemiah with a dedicated group of followers worked to rebuild the walls around the city of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 1-5) Their enemies ridiculed them, but intimidation and mockery did not halt the project. (Nehemiah 4:1-6)

Evil does not retreat forever. It merely regroups. The opposition devised a plan to try and get Nehemiah away from the area. If he disappeared as leader of the construction, those who labored would become discouraged and quit. "So I sent messengers to tell them, 'My work is too important to stop now and go there. I can't afford to slow down the work to just visit with you.' They invited me four times, but each time I refused to go (Nehemiah 6:3-4 CEV)."

Hard work and faithfulness to God's leading brought recognition even from the enemies. "When our enemies in the surrounding nations learned that the work was finished, they felt helpless, because they knew that our God had helped us rebuild the wall (Nehemiah 6:16 CEV)." We have much to learn from Nehemiah. God has work for us to do. Don't stop now!

Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Devotions for the Deaf, The Secret Place, Coosa Journal, Mary Hollingsworth's The One Year Devotional of Joy and Laughter, Jo Krueger's Every Day in God's Word.

Article Source: WRITERS

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