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Let Everyone Praise the Lord

by Jeanne E Webster  
9/03/2010 / Devotionals

copyright 2010 Jeanne E. Webster

"He is your praise and your God, who has done for you these great and awesome things which your eyes have seen." Deut. 10:21

Moses spoke these words to Israel prior to their journey into the land of promise. He had placed the tables of stone into the ark as God had commanded, and now it was time for Israel to prove their mettle. "Go in and possess the land which I have sworn unto your fathers."

Moses exhorted Israel to:
Fear the Lord
Walk in all His ways
Love Him
Serve Him with all your heart and soul
Keep His laws
Circumcise the foreskin of your heart
Be no longer stubborn
Love the stranger
Hold fast to the Lord.

The exhortations above sound quite familiar, don't they? As Christians, we hold to each of them in our daily walk with Christ. Moses was admonishing Israel to remember all that God had done for them and to cling to this great God who brought them out of bondage. We too need this reminder today. It's all too easy to interact with God as if He were a sugar daddy or an easy mark. He's not either. He is the great awesome God of Israel, the great I AM! Don't mess with the MAN! Fear Him, respect Him, stand before Him in awe, esteem Him. He's number ONE.

Walk in ways that reflect His love and mercy to others. Love Him with that bone-deep, heart-booming passion born from a worshipful spirit. Serve Him heartily, wholly, with all the gusto you can muster. Keep His commandments and you'll reap your rewards. Discipline yourself, lean into the yoke and pull hard. Right next to you on the other side is Jesus. Just remember that. Love the stranger among you, for you were once strangers also. Cling fast to the Lord and He will always be with you.

Make it a practice to praise the Lord--with thanksgiving and a humble spirit. Think back to the wondrous moments He lightened your life. Think today of what He is doing for you right this moment. Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him, our wonderful Redeemer! Amen.


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Copyright Jeanne E. Webster

A published freelance writer, editor/publisher of monthly newsletter for years. [email protected]

Article Source: WRITERS

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