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Lessons from Noah

by Chrissi Ellankoon  
3/11/2007 / Christian Living

The account of Noah has got to be one of my favorites. Most of us would have heard this story as a child and have lasting memories of animals two by two lining up to enter the ark, being welcomed by an old grey man with kind eyes and long white beard. But the more I read this account and the older I get, I am beginning to understand some of the implications of Noah deciding to follow God.

Lets have a look at Noah in Gen 6:9-22.

One of the most significant verses in this entire passage is verse 22 "Noah did everything just as God commanded him."

Now on first read this may not seem overly inspiring but as you re-read it you see that Noah was given a mammoth task. There was a significant investment of Noah's time, resources as well as persecution he would have endured along the way. But if you notice Noah didn't ask questions, or set up a committee or tell God that the ark needed to be bigger/ smaller or made out of pine, he just did everything as God Commanded him.

What really allowed Noah to commit his retirement plan into building an Ark? What made him able to withstand his doubts that the rain would come or the ark would sink? The key is found in verse nine, "he walked with God". When God spoke to Noah, this was a familiar voice. Noah knew whom it was that was asking him to commit to a project and he knew he could trust that voice. When God spoke to Noah, I don't for a minute believe it was the first time that he had heard the voice of God. Noah recognized the voice of God and knew that his God was faithful. So Noah was obedient.

It is one thing to hear the voice of God, however it is another thing to be obedient, and just like Noah "do everything just as God commanded" This was a long-term commitment. It required Noah to come up with the finance for the ark (no budget was provided). It required Noah to spend his time overseeing the building of the ark so that the specifications were met. Noah had to invest both his and his whole family's future in the ark. Considering all of this Noah still built

From this passage it is clear that Noah did not have all the answers. He did not know where the finance would come from. He did not know how the animals would come, or even the full implications of what he was doing but when Noah ran out of answers, he ran into faith. The voice of God was enough for him to carry on. And look at the consequences of what he did. Because of his obedience his family was saved as well as mankind.

The success of the ark comes down to two crucial elements. Hearing God and also obeying.

God has a plan for each one of us, In Jeremiah 29:11 "The Lord declares I have plans to prospers you not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." God's plan for Noah was to build an ark that would save him, his family and re populate the world. What is the plan that God has for you? What is your ark?

Noah found out the plan for his life by walking and talking with God. I believe that this provides a blue print for us today and that God wants to address 2 groups of people.

1. For some of you it is time to build that ark, there will never be a perfect time. God has already spoken to you. How many times do we put off what God wants because it is too hard or we are too busy? You don't know what the implications of your ark are. Everyone's ark will be different. Maybe God has asked to commit some finances to a project, or to cook a meal for someone who is sick. Your ark maybe to put right a wrong or to forgive someone when you know it wasn't your fault. While you may not know the full implication of your obedience God does. Don 't wait till you have all the answers step out in faith like Noah and trust that you have heard from God and do everything just as God has commanded you not a little more and not a little less.

2. For some of you, you need to be confident that the voice you hear is that of God. You want to step out but then doubt sets in and you are not sure that what you heard is from God, or that you in fact hear from God. That confidence comes from walking with God daily, the more time you spend with someone the more you get to know them and trust them. The only way to find out what the plan and purpose is for your life is, is to spend time walking and talking with God. Jesus tells us "my sheep know my voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow." Get to know your Shepherd. Spend time in His presence and you will be able to know His voice. Knowing that voice will give you the confidence to build your ark in faith

We are called to be the Noah of our generation, hearing and obeying the voice of God. Each of us is called to build our ark and building anything takes faith, we will not always have all the answers, but we have access to the One who does. Commit yourself to seeking God for your plan and purpose, and then just like Noah, do everything just as the Lord commanded you.

Chrissi is passionate about equipping people for God's service. Her mandate is to use the Word of God to inspire and ignite the passions of others.

Article Source: WRITERS

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