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by PamFord Davis
4/06/2011 / Devotionals
Call it what you may. covered dish, potluck, or dish to pass, it means food shared by all. There is usually no formal list of who brings what, those attending simply prepare a favorite food and place it on a serving table when they arrive at the party or church fellowship. Our senses begin to stir; sights of fried chicken, candied yams, corn on the cob and vine ripe tomatoes bring back memories of farm meals. Hot buttered rolls and cornbread balance on the corner of stacked plates as rows of people with hearty appetites eye the dessert table. Calorie counting can resume tomorrow. We grasp filled glasses of iced tea, lemonade or water with a free hand; now the action begins!
We often attended potluck lunches at a R.V. Park following Sunday worship services at our church. The owners of the park provided meat and beverages; campers brought vegetables and desserts to complete the meal. It was a good way to meet people traveling through or catch up on news with full timers like ourselves. One week, to our surprise and amusement most of us brought corn. We expected the owners to provide meat; we did not expect so much corn!
Isaac asked his father a cutting question. "The fire and the wood are here, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering (Genesis 22:7b HCS)?" The son honored and obeyed Abraham, but had confusion about their mission atop the mountain. How could they offer up a sacrifice without the lamb? Had Abraham forgot to bring it in his haste to make the trip? The response cleared the air and the way to a miracle. "Abraham answered, 'God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering my son (Genesis 22:8a HCS)."
Moments later God blocked the sacrificial death of Isaac; Abraham discovered a ram caught by its horns in a thicket. (Verse 13) God provided the lamb for a father and son, opening our hearts to faith in a provision yet to come. In the fullness of time, He sent His Son, providing the spotless sacrificial Lamb of God.
Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Devotions for the Deaf, The Secret Place, Coosa Journal, Mary Hollingsworth's The One Year Devotional of Joy and Laughter, Jo Krueger's Every Day in God's Word.
Article Source: WRITERS
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