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One Nation Under God

by Robert Driskell  
6/23/2011 / Christian Living

NBC omitted broadcasting the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance during the U.S. Open recently.

This brought shouts of outrage from many who believe it was a slap in the face of those who believe in God. At the very least, it was a capitulation to the increasingly vocal atheistic faction in our nation.

For those who truly seek God's face, love Him, and want others to know Him, this latest media gaff, at the expense of believers, is another example of how many in this nation see God. Too many Americans view God as optional. He may be part of our history, but is He really important in our culture today?

It is true that the words 'under God' have not always been a part of the pledge. However, until recently that has not been a problem. More and more, lately there seems to be a push by some to eliminate the very idea of God from our western society.

So, for many, the omitting of the words 'under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance on television made no difference whatsoever. They would just as soon never hear His name mentioned again.

What about those who call themselves "Christians"? Many were apparently upset over the issue. At least one senator called for more than the apology already issued by NBC. Many of these Christians are sincere. They live their lives daily for Jesus. They want others to know Him. They are truly grieved at the moral decay they see around them everyday.

However, there is another group of people calling themselves Christians, who do not live a life surrendered to God and His will. They do not love God with all their heart, soul, mind, strength, and body (Deuteronomy 6:5, Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27). This group is not dedicated to God at all, except when it is convenient or they have something to gain from it.

It is this second group that weakens the Christian cause. It is this group that must repent from their apathy, seek the face of God, and begin to live their lives for Him according to His will. This group believes that one can live with one foot in God's will and one foot in their own will. The Bible says that is not the way it is:
But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul. (Deuteronomy 4:29 NASB)
This calls for a complete commitment to God, not a half-hearted surface dedication that fails to make any difference in anyone's life.
So, do we want a nation in which the most people possible have a vital ongoing relationship with God, or do we want a nation of pretenders? God is not pleased with those who claim His name in public but do not live for Him in private. It is easy to jump on the bandwagon when it is going your wayit is hard to swim upstream against the popular current.

Every one who calls themselves "Christian" should evaluate their walk with God, ask Him to search their hearts, read the Bible for strength and instruction, and be the person God wants them to be.

It does not matter if the words are in our pledge or not. If the people of this nation are not living for Him we will not actually be "under God" at all.

Seeking to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to help them become "transformed by the renewing of their mind."

Article Source: WRITERS

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