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4/26/2007 / Teen Issues

A child goes up to his father and tells him, "I love you, daddy."
The dad smiles and picks up his little boy and raises him over his shoulders,
They laugh and they love, but a tear comes to the father's eye.
He lowered him into his arms and his little boy fell asleep in his arms.
The years went by and the father and son began to grow apart,
"Adam," he calls his son. "Come Adam, come follow me, I have something great to show
The son does not turn and keeps on walking, pretending he does not know him.
Eventually, the hand that once held his son is let go and the son stands alone.
Creatures of darkness surround him. They cut him and bruise him, whispering words to bring him to his knees. He becomes a puppet of their will and they gauge out his eyes so he can no longer see the light of the sun.
"Daddy!" he cries out, "Daddy, help me please."
Out from the shadows comes a light and there is his father. With a crown of gold and jewels, shining in the light of his glory, and he hold out his hand with a smile,
"Father, I am not worthy to be called your son. I have turned away from you and done evil, I do not deserve you."
He smile and a tear comes to his eye, "You were my son once, and you will forever be my son. Nothing can separate you from me. Not the tallest mountain, the deepest river, the widest valley, nor the cosmos of the heaven could ever separate us, you are my son and I am your Father, everyday of your life I held you in my arms and you were asleep, but I never let you down. You will always be my little boy, Adam.always."

"God is always trying to talk to you. The question is are you willing to listen?"

I am fifteen years old and am a sophmore in High School and an intensifying fire for the Lord.

Article Source: WRITERS

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