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The Ceiling Fan

by louis gander  
5/30/2012 / Christian Living

I felt just like a ceiling fan -
just spinning 'round and 'round,
running, circling, whirling,
not making any sound.

Endlessly, I spun and spun.
I knew life wasn't fair.
I was going through the motions
not getting anywhere!

I knew I, much more worthy, was,
should I'd been called upon,
but stuck here on the ceiling, I
was merely hanging on...

The weeks and months had turned to years
but who was I to kid?
I'd done the same thing every day
and that was all I did.

Now one day when my chain was pulled
I simply was too tired.
I don't know what came over me,
I thought I was still wired.

My owner came and took me down.
I finally got a ride!
I saw new sights! My dreams came true!
My eyes grew very wide!

I wanted so, to travel -
but this was not the way!
Oh, I was heading to the dump!
I want another day!

I promised I would spin around.
I promised I would try!
I said, "Do not give up on me,
for I'm too young to die!"

But I was not so lucky.
All my hopes were dashed.
He threw me in a dumpster with,
the hot and putrid trash.

I sat there quite awhile and
I prayed so hard and long.
I gave up on a miracle -
until 'He' came along.

He carried me back to his house
and then He took me in.
He held me very gentle, then
He fixed up all my sin.

And now, though just a ceiling fan,
and spinning endlessly,
I know that life still isn't fair.
I'll ever happy, be!

Copyright 2021 by louis gander.
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