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Too Late for Annie

by Scott Bruton  
6/25/2012 / Christian Living

Today, I want to share with you the story about Annie. Annie is your typical American girl. Annie has a good job, she attends Church and Sunday school, she wears nice cloths, she has a lot of friends, and she has a nice family. However, even with all these people in her life, Annie feels alone and sad. Every night she ends her day with her head buried in her pillow, crying herself to sleep. No one ever noticed Annies sadness and desperation. Even her family was so busy, rushing off to meetings, returning phone calls, planning events at Church, that they hardly had the time for each other or Annie. They would tell themselves that they would make it up " tomorrow! They would tell themselves that Annie would be OK and that all she needed to do was try a little harder. Annie did try! She would call her friends only to be told that they were in the middle of something and too busy to talk to her right then. All Annie wanted was for someone to take the time to listen; to just be loved and accepted by others. However, it seemed that everybody continued to overlook her cries for help. One night, after Annie got off from work, she felt like she had reached her end. Although it was only nine oclock, Annie reaches out one more time. As her Sunday school teacher answers the phone, Annie is told that she could not talk to her just then because she had had a long day at work and all she wanted to do is just go to bed. She asks Annie if they could talk on Sunday, during Sunday school and hangs up the phone. Annie begins to cry. She tells herself that nobody cares, not even God! Annie goes to her bathroom and locks the door. She grabs a jar of pills off the top shelf. The poison that that is supposed to be a cure becomes to Annie, the poison that kills. To talk on Sunday, as her Sunday school teacher suggested, never came for Annie and now its too late; too late for Annie.
Later that night, Annie is found by her mom lying on the bathroom floor. At first she thought, Annie must be drunk and has passed out in the floor. She begins to get mad and she reaches down to awaken her daughter. As soon as she touched Annies forehead, she knows that Annie is not passed out. She picks up her daughters body and holds her close; she then begins to weep. Softly at first, then quickly she loses control and begins to sob uncontrollably. She starts crying out to God and asking Him why? Why did my baby do this? Why did my baby go? Daddy comes rushing in and realizes that even he cant fix this problem. He reaches down to console mom and they both fall on their knees, begging God to please bring her back to them. A million questions come to their mind. Why did this have to happen? Why did we not see this coming? Surely Annie knew they loved her? Suddenly the busyness of their lives sinks in and they began to realize just how alone Annie must have felt. They also knew that it was too late; too late for Annie.
The next day the news of this very untimely and tragic event starts to circulate around the neighborhood and Annies Church. People began to tell themselves, if only we had known her situation; if only we had known how desperate and lonely she really was; we would have done something. We would have taken the time to listen and pray with her. We would have explained to her how her life matters to God. We would have told her the story of the Cross and how Jesus died to save her and give her joy and happiness. However, its too late; too late for Annie.
Here is the moral to this story. It may be too late for Annie, but there are a lot of other Annies around us every day. Annie is represented by those people we come into contact with on a daily basis. The cashier at the grocery store, the person we see shopping, the lady who works at the bank. Annie can be male or female and can represent any age. You see Annie in passing as she looks into your eyes. Do you recognize her? Do you recognize her feelings of loneliness and desperation? Will you tell Annie how much God loves and cares for her before it is too late? Do you realize that Annie might be sitting next to you in your Church at this very moment? Are you willing to tell her about Jesus and His love for her? Will you allow God to use you as that bridge between desperation and hope that only comes through Jesus Christ? Now is our time to make it up to the Annie in our story. Its too late for that Annie, but for all the others, we still have a chance. When we do as Jesus ask, it will never be too late; too late for Annie!

I am the author and editor of, a website blog created to encourage the Christian believer in their faith. I am also a Parkinson patient at age 48. This article is free to be distributed as long as my name and website address are attached to the print. Copyright 2012, Scott Bruton

Article Source: WRITERS

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