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My Name Is Jacob

by lynn gipson  
7/10/2012 / Short Stories

Jacob was sitting on the ground one night, staring up at the sky. He had a question for Jesus.

He asked, "Dear Jesus, who am I?"

Jesus replies, "Why you are Jacob, of course, why do you ask?"

"Well, I don't think Mommy and Daddy know who I am anymore."

"Why, of course they know who you are, Jacob, they are your parents." said Jesus

"I don't think so," said Jacob, "they're always fighting, so they forget I'm even around. I get up in the morning, they're fighting. I go to sleep at night, they're fighting. I spend the day outside so I don't hear them."

"What do they fight about?" asked Jesus knowing the answer.

"The kid, that's me I guess, just the kid. They fight about who's going to get the kid, they don't call me Jacob anymore, that's why I asked you who I am. Daddy wants a divorce, and they yell a lot about whose going to get me. I'm sick of it all."

Jesus paused for a moment, then said, "Well Jacob, you must pray for Daddy, he is very unhappy inside and he just needs to ask me to come into his life, and when he does, I will."

"What should I say in my prayer?" asked Jacob.

"Just pray for him to come unto God." said Jesus.

Jesus knew all along about the trouble in Jacob's life, but he let Jacob talk as a way to help him sort things out.

Jacob prayed that night for his daddy. The next morning his parents were fighting again. Mommy started to cry and went into her bedroom. This time Daddy packed his suitcase and came into Jacob's room to say goodbye.

"Who's gonna get me?" asked Jacob.

"You'll live with your mommy for awhile, until we can decide." said Daddy.

"What about me? Nobody has asked what I want." said Jacob

"Well, you're just a kid, you mother and I will decide what's best for you."

"I'm not just a kid, my name is Jacob, and you need to come unto God, Daddy." said Jacob

Daddy smiled sadly and said, "See you later, kid." and picked up his suitcase and walked out the door.

Jacob started praying morning, noon, and night for his daddy. His mommy was sad all the time. Daddy had been gone for weeks now and she cried every night. Jacob could hear her in her room as he prayed.

Then one night the phone rang and it was the police. Daddy had been in an automobile accident and was in the hospital. Mommy called a neighbor to stay with Jacob and rushed to be at his side.

Mommy came home later and said Daddy was okay, just some broken ribs, and he would be coming home the next day.

"Is he coming home to stay?' asked Jacob

"Yes," said Mommy, smiling. "and he said to tell you he came unto God. What does that mean Jacob?"

Jacob smiled and said nothing.

The next day Daddy came home with bandages around him and went straight to Jacob and hugged him as much as he could with broken ribs.

"I'm sorry Jacob, but you'll be happy to know that when I was in that car wreck, I saw Jesus while I was waiting for the ambulance, he just appeared and told me to come unto Him, and I did.

The next day was Sunday, and Jacob, Mommy and Daddy went to the little Church down the street. When the minister asked if any one wanted to come down to the altar and give their lives to Jesus, Mommy and Daddy both got up and told Jacob to come with them.

Daddy and Mommy knelt before the altar and prayed for forgiveness, and Jacob said a prayer of Thanksgiving. The preacher prayed with them, asking Jesus keep them in his fold.

When they were done, the preacher asked Jacob what his name was. Before he could answer Daddy responded.

"This is my son, Jacob,"

Jacob smiled at knowing who he was again.

I am a 61 year cancer survivor just recently become a writer. I write short stories, articles and poems of Christian or Spritual nature.

Article Source: WRITERS

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