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100 Reasons You Must Be A Christian.

by Olawale Ogunsola  
12/26/2012 / Salvation

Before we consider 100 out of numerous reasons you must be a Christian, you must know who a Christian is.

Attending a church service once a week or regularly does not make you a Christian, although this is good.

Carrying a Holy Bible everywhere does not make you a Christian, although this is needful and helpful.

Speaking in unknown tongues does not make you one, but it can be an evidence. This is because the devil can also grant you his own right to his kind of tongue. Watch it!

Working of miracles does not make you one. Examples abound in the Holy Bible where magicians also performed wonders.

Then, who is a Christian?

A Christian is a disciple of Jesus Christ. Acts 11:26 states,
"...And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch."

Who is then a Disciple?

To be a Disciple, you must believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and you must follow the teachings to the last letter. He says in the Living Manual that
"If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23.

For you to be called a Christian, you must put on Christ. You must be in Christ and Christ must be in you.

Jesus Christ declared in John 15:4 thus,
"Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abides in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me."

A Christian is a person who has refused to follow deceivers and anti-Christs that have entered into the world. A Christian abides in the teachings of Christ.

He/she is a person that does no wrong because he/she knows God and has God. He/she has both the Father and Son. He is directed and instructed by the Holy Spirit from God through Jesus Christ.

A Christian is a person who demonstrates all the attributes of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is meek and lowly in heart. He is loving. If you are a Christian, you will not only know these qualities in Him but they will be in your life.

A note of warning for you here please!

It will be better for you to read this and other contents that will follow for your own advantage, for your salvation and redemption but not for your destruction.

Please read this piece with an open mind centered on life. The 100 reasons, you must be a Christian discussed here are just a few of such reasons. Read these write-ups and be saved.

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that pesish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
God bless you as you read.
NB: If you have any question, contact the author or any of our brethren at You can also visit and for more contents.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

Article Source: WRITERS

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