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You Claimed My Pain

by Jennifer Mobbs  
4/10/2013 / Poetry

Pain and Anguish came calling today,
They crept in un-noticed I was looking away.

I was filling my eyes with the world and all its troubles,
But when Pain hit my body, I faltered and stumbled.

Tired of fighting, I decided to give in and let pain have this round, I can't always win.

But as I raised my white flag anguish set in,
And it planned to take me to down to the very end.

I started down the wide and well travelled path,
I was losing my confidence; my faith was fading fast.

Each time I tried to move to seek the narrow way,
My mind became clouded with all the sins I let stay.

I had to make my stand even though my body shouted no,
I reached back into my soul and removed another stone.

I drew my gaze down to the book besides me on the bed,
I picked it up and turn each page reading as You led.

I found it wasn't over, I wasn't finished yet,
Today would not be the day that You took me home with You to stay.

You calmed my heart and claimed my pain,
and anguish disappeared as quickly as it came.

One day at a time is all You ask of me, the rest I must leave unto Thee.

Stand Tall, Stand Quick and Watch by the Gate,
for I AM is coming soon, I AM won't be late.

I have been writing all my life, I just didn't realize it until I was my late 40's. I hope my experiences can help others who have gone through similar trials.

Article Source: WRITERS

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