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The Book of Life Devotional

by Bobby Bruno  
3/27/2014 / Devotionals

When I was saved, I began to devour the Bible. What did it say? What did it mean? How am I to understand everything written in it? In my first two years as a true Christian, I read the New Testament four times, one right after the other, learning what it had to say, and, believe it or not, imparting the knowledge to others, even though I was still a baby Christian still surviving on milk. Fifteen years later (re-birthday is March 7th!), I am still devouring the Bible to find what it says and what it means. I have a great desire for others to know what I know about Jesus. The Bible has told about whom Jesus is and what He has done for me, but without this relationship I have with Him, I would know nothing at all.

I love to read commentaries from cover to cover because someone else has already figured it all out for me. But doing so still does not satisfy my thirst for more of Jesus. It is only when the Holy Spirit imparts to me the true meaning of a scripture that I learn so much more that I could by reading someone else's work. I love the feeling, the full sense of really knowing, that I know what Jesus is trying to say and how it applies to my life. It is incredible when the Spirit opens the floodgates of understanding in your soul and you just know. I love it when you can feel the Holy Spirit's excitement and celebration along with yours when you finally get what a scripture means. I love the Holy Spirit: His enthusiasm, His excitement, His knowledge, and His love for us to know His words intimately. The Bible is the Book of Life! Hallelujah!!!!!!

Bobby Bruno was saved 15 years ago in a way that left him no doubt that Jesus wanted him to reach others with His great and abounding love. He started writing at the age of 12 and hasn't stopped since. He achieved Associates Degree in Biblical Studies from Ohio Christian University in early 2014.

Article Source: WRITERS

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