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America's Choice

by Jacquelyn Horne  
6/30/2007 / Poetry

As I ponder the path that America takes,
I know that it's crucial the choices she makes.
The voices of power that lead her astray
Can merely impede if she follows God's way.

She once was a beacon upon a high hill
That led all the nations to God and His will.
But lately she tolerates the enemy's wiles,
And swiftly she's walking some perilous miles.

It appears that the enemy has lulled her to sleep,
And, while she is napping, he's stealing her sheep.
Oh, God, our great sovereign, so temperate and wise,
Assist grand America; awaken her eyes.

Please, help her to change by starting with me.
My cry must be heard, so the Land of the Free,
Will stand in the wake of discouragement's storm,
And safeguard her masses from the enemy's harm.

But, I am so small in a country so vast.
I'm just a poor pilgrim without gain or class.
I cannot do more than hope, care and pray.
Still, I can lead others to follow this way.

And, maybe, America's masses will see,
The way that I travel is how it should be.
Perhaps through my witness of God's Holy way,
The path of the wandering heart I will sway.

Oh, God, be my leader in all that I do,
And help me remember I'm following you.
Choosing 'tween pathways of narrow or wide,
Let me wholly depend on my Heavenly Guide.

And, if I believe, witness, worship and pray,
Perhaps my America will listen some day,
To the voice of the Shepherd, who knows what is best,
And, again, we can shout America's blessed!


Jacquelyn Horne is a former newspaper reporter who has won various awards including two Delaware School Bell awards. She has poems and articles published in magazines and Christian publications. She moved from Delaware to central Georgia 13 years ago.

Article Source: WRITERS

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