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by Jeffrey Hagan
8/31/2014 / Christian Living
by Rev. Jeff Hagan, DCE, DMin, (ThD)
I keep hearing about this irrational fear out there that preaching and focusing on God's incredible grace turns people into rapists, whore-mongers, and brutal murderers. Or, to state it in a more theological way, over-emphasis on the "indicatives of the gospel" of grace leads to antinomianism (which is a version of Christianity that believes the directives and commands of God don't matter, or simply, a Christianity without law). I take issue with this irrational fear due to the fact, in part, that I've never actually met a single individual who has fully grasped God's inexplicable grace in the gospel who then goes on to live their life not caring about being obedient. As Tullian Tchvidjian so frequently says, "Antinomianism happens not when we think too much of grace. Just the opposite, actually. Antinomianism happens when we think too little of grace."
Curious as to whether or not there was any validity to this all too common fear, a lady by the name of Elyse Fitzpatrick wrote an open letter to "Mr. Grace-Loving Antinomian" a person she's heard much fuss over for years but has never seen or met requesting that he steps forward and identifies himself.
It's a creative and effective way to address the issue. I hope you found it as entertaining and useful as I did.
Dear Mr. Antinomian:
Forgive me for writing to you in such an open forum but I've been trying to meet you for years and we just never seem to connect. While it's true that I live in a little corner of the States and while it's true that I am, well, a woman, I did assume that I would meet you at some point in my decades old counseling practice. But alas, neither you nor any of your (must be) thousands of brothers and sisters have ever shown up for my helpSo again, please do pardon my writing in such a public manner but, you see, I've got a few things to say to you and I think it's time I got them off my chest.
I wonder if you know how hard you're making it for those of us who love to brag about the gospel. You say that you love the gospel and grace too, but I wonder how that can be possible since it's been continuously reported to me that you live like such a slug. I've even heard that you are lazy and don't work at obeying God at allRather you sit around munching on cigars and Twinkies, brewing beer and watching porn on your computer. Mr. A, really! Can this be true?
So many of my friends and acquaintances are simply up in arms about the way you act and they tell me it's because you talk too much about grace. They suggest (and I'm almost tempted to agree) that what you need is more and more rules to live by. In fact, I'm very tempted to tell you that you need to get up off your lazy chair, pour your beer down the drain, turn off your computer and get about the business of the Kingdom.
I admit that I'm absolutely flummoxed, though, which is why I'm writing as I am. You puzzle me. How can you think about all that Christ has done for you, about your Father's steadfast, immeasurable, extravagantly generous love and still live the way you do? Have you never considered the incarnation, about the Son leaving ineffable light to be consigned first to the darkness of Mary's womb and then the darkness of this world? Have you never considered how He labored day-after-day in His home, obeying His parents, loving His brothers and sisters so that you could be counted righteous in the sight of His Father? Have you forgotten the bloody disgrace of the cross you deserve? Don't you know that in the resurrection He demolished sin's power over you? Aren't you moved to loving action knowing that He's now your ascended Lord Who prays for you and daily bears you on His heart? Has your heart of stone never been warmed and transformed by the Spirit? Does this grace really not impel zealous obedience? HelloAre you there?
Honestly, even though my friends talk about you as though you were just everywhere in every church, always talking about justification but living like the devil, frankly I wonder if you even exist. I suppose you must because everyone is so afraid that talking about grace will produce more of you. So that's why I'm writing: Will you please come forward? Will you please stand up in front of all of us and tell us that your heart has been captivated so deeply by grace that it makes you want to watch the Playboy channel?
Again, please do forgive me for calling you out like this. I really would like to meet you. I am,
Trusting in Grace Alone,
Jeff Hagan is the President of True Grace Ministries and Theological Institute. Interested?
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