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by Olawale Ogunsola  
12/26/2014 / Death

This four.letter word is very important to every living soul. The reason is that every man or woman will bear this "title". In one of my past articles I call it The Last Title. Or how do you refer to someone who has gone in the way of all flesh?

It is certain you will leave this world one day because " is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."

What then does the word "Late" suggests?

The answer is found in Psalm 30:9,
"What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? Shall it declare thy truth ?"

This means after going down into the dust, you cannot praise God or make known His truth. Not only this, it also means it is late for you to build a house, seek a job, give birth to a child, or do anything.

When you are Late..., you cannot repent because there is no repentance in the grave.

When is the appointed time to repent?

IT IS NOW! Now is the time you nust "seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near". Now is the time when you must "return to the Lord. For He will abundantly pardon".

When it is late, it is late. If it is late, it is judgment. Should you wait until it is late?

Repent today, tomorrow may be late. The Lord is calling you. Please, answer Him. He loves you. He suffered for you. He died for your sins. He is alive for you.

He wants to welcome you back home after your soujourn on the earth.

Do you know what? We are in the last minutes to His coming. Whether you bear "late..." before He comes or not, He is coming to take His own. He assures,
"And behol, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to give to every one according to His work."

As a person who rejoices in wrongdoing, if the Lord comes now, it will also be late for you to repent.

He has not come and you are still alive. Please, have a change of ways of life. Love to do good until the end comes. He will welcome you home.

Before it is late,
1. Confess, mention your wrong acts one by one and stop them.
2. Accept by agreeing to follow Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
3. Daily, walk in all His ways as spelt out in the Holy Scriptures.
4. Join an assembly of His followers for fellowship and growth.
5. Patiently wait for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Stay blessed abduction rapturable.
Bible references from King James Version and New King James Version are:
Hebeews 9:27; Psalm 30:10; Isaiah 55:6; 55:7; Revelation 22:12

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

Article Source: WRITERS

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