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Matthew Magdalene

by Olawale Ogunsola  
2/26/2015 / Christian Living

Every Bible student is familiar with the story of Mary Magdalene. Closely connected with her early life story is the SEVEN DEMONS (evil spirits) cast out of her by Jesus Christ: (Luke 8:2). Her name was Mary but was a notorious sinner who came from Magdala a village in the region of Galilee.

A mention of Mary Magdalene automatically attracts "out of whom had come seven demons". Thank God she had those evil spirits BEFORE she met Jesus Christ, our Savior. When she had an encounter with Him, she was set free indeed, (John 8:36).

Now, have you heard of Matthew Magdalene? He was neither the father or the husband of Mary Magdalene (MM).

Who was he?

It is a combination of two names.
Apostle Matthew was a popular tax collector before the Lord set him free from his trade. He became commited to the ministry of Jesus Christ for the rest of his life.

This is adapted from the city of Mary, Magdala.

The man.
His baptismal name is Mathew. I added Magdalene to it because of Mary's notorious seven evil spirits.

The names of the evil spirits in MM were not mentioned in the Scriptures. This has given rise to many "maybes" and "perhaps" on her issue.

However, the man, Matthew Magdalene is a professed "Christian" who claims to have had an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. He is also "zealous" for the work of the Lord as an Evangelist. With his load of gifts, he, howecer has his seven evil spirits, sad enough, "in Christ".

In his community where he built his house, he is the trouble initiator. He is not a friend of anybody nor has he been anyone's friend for an hour at most.

His decisions are always irreversible, no matter how bad, destructive or evil it is.

He is the wisest, holiest and most intelligent at any time on any issue.

He is a supper fault finder. He seeks others faults for the purpose of condemnation. Not only this, he speaks of such faults to anyone who cares to listen.

Every kindness he has the grace to show to anyone will not go unpublished to anybody, anywhere and anytime.

He is proud of everything he has. His words are "I have this! I am this! I have that! I can do this!" and many other such words.

When he speaks like "a man of God", inwardly, he thinks and acts contrary. He cannot be taken for his words.

Now, which of these ways of life is "according to the Bible"?

As at the time of writing this piece, Mathew Magdalene was about to destabilize a ministers' prayer meeting by back biting.

May God help to deliver him.

Enough on Matthew Magdalene.

What about you and me? Do we have "spiritual gifts" and zealous for the things of God? Do we say and not do according to the Scriptures? Do people see us as God's saints but we are filled with Seven evil spirits either like Mary or Matthew Magdalene?

Mary Magdalene was delivered from her seven demons and became a "Peter" (a leader) among women disciples. She became important among followers of Jesus Christ. She was the first to see Jesus after His resurrection.

Therefore, let us go over the catalog of "works of the flesh" (list of wrongdoings ruled by spirits) contained in Galatians 5:19-21; Colossians 3:5-10; Romans 8:1,5-8, 13; 2Corinthians12:20-21.

Therefore, identify those you are involved in. Everyone may have his/her seven evil spirits. Each work of the flesh has a spirit behind it. 2 Kings 22:20-22 convinces us that there is a spirit of lying. This applies to every evil act.

Take time to identify your seven evil spirits. Take them to the Lord for deliverance. Then, be filled with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 1:8. Then, be zealous for the things of the Lord. Remember that Romans 8:14 says,
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God."

Be genuinely be born of God according to 1John3:9,
"Whoever has been born of God does not sin for His seed remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God."

May the Lord deliver us from every evil spirit that may want us to end up in hell.

Stay blessed and rapturable, the Lord is coming soon.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

Article Source: WRITERS

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