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Wish the Fish 05 (courage)

by louis gander  
3/09/2015 / Parenting

ONCE upon a splashing time
a little fish wished he could rhyme.
But 'Wish the Fish' lived in the sea
and brought so much calamity.
Now Big Mouth Bass, it came about,
made fun of Wish's friend, the Trout.
Sarcastically, he bullied him,
then pushed him hard, again, again.

The Trout had fallen, hurt his side.
"I did not do it." Big Mouth lied.
He threatened Wish with piercing stare,
"You will not talk. You wouldn't dare."

Now Sunfish was a pretty thing.
She swam around and loved to sing.
The Trout was lying in the dirt
She cared for him - for he was hurt.

Wish saw it all but didn't tell
when teacher rang the school bell.
The teacher's name was Spark the Shark.
He was as strict as his own bark.

About Trout, teacher Shark had learned -
so then to Wish the teacher turned.
"Please say exactly what you saw."
That stunned poor Wish. It dropped his jaw.

Yes, just because of what he'd seen,
he -rock and hard place- was between.
Between Big Mouth and teacher here,
poor Wish was petrified in fear.

He couldn't breathe. He started rockin'.
Loudly, both his knees were knockin'.
Then Wish sweat fervent beads of air.
Both Shark and Bass stared at him there.

The whole class was concerned for Trout.
Shark asked again, "What's this about?
So difficult, Wish in this spot -
oh, should he lie... or should he not?

About Trout, Wish had also cared -
but now was really, really scared.
"Well?" asked teacher yet again
while Big Mouth wore his evil grin...

If Big Mouth got away with it,
could future fish he shove get hurt?
What if, by chance, a fish should die?
And how'd he feel if he did lie?

Through courage then, Wish blurted out,
"He pushed him! Big Mouth hurt the Trout!"
Then Wish, a little bit perplexed
was startled at what happened next.

Applause broke out throughout the class
defending Wish from Big Mouth Bass!
All practiced, they, the 'golden rule'
which brought peace back throughout the school.
The moral of this poem's great,
if this whole world would love, not hate,

Copyright 2021 by louis gander.
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