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by Dudley Anderson
3/27/2015 / Devotionals
trACker 529
The e-Devotional helping to keep you on-track
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27 March 2015
God-tracking Through the Year year one
By Dudley Anderson
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Dear God-tracker
How do we measure success? Do we measure it by the growth of productivity? Do we measure it by a growing bank account or by increased popularity? Or do we measure success by achieving contentment?
Jeff started a small one-man business after completing school. It was a modest business to begin with but soon Jeff was making good money. After just 12 months he hired his first assistant. Soon Jeff's little enterprise became a force to be reckoned with and it was not long before he was thriving and making lots of money. Jeff was building his empire and he was happy. Sadly, however, Jeff became discontent with his level of success and was soon striving for bigger and better options that would bring in more and more money.
One day, in his blind ambition, young Jeff entered onto a deal that turned sour. In just 6 months his company had collapsed leaving him with massive debt and facing a life of scarcity. Though a Christian, young Jeff had built his house in his own strength and, with selfish ambition in his heart, had failed to acknowledge the Lord in his work. Jeff had lost track of the plans that God had for him. God's plans were for his prosperity, indeed, but a prosperity that comes through godliness with contentment.
Jeff's scenario plays out for any walk of life we may all face: business, career, relationships and even church life. The scripture says that unless the Lord builds the house, the labourers who build labour in vain. It also says that whatever we do in life, we should do for the Lord and that in him our efforts are never in vain. So my encouragement to you today is to step back from your efforts to gain a clearer view of how God sees your labours. Get out from under God's feet and into his hands. Acknowledge the Lord in every aspect of your life every choice, every relationship, every business venture, every job and then learn to be content in the level of success that God brings your way. We are certainly all called to produce good fruit and to be productive in our lives but this productivity will only be truly prosperous when we learn to build with God as our foreman.
God-tracking is being content to work with God at the helm
Be blessed
It's all in the Book
1 Timothy 6:6-8
Psalm 27:1-2
1 Corinthians 15:57-58
Psalm 25:12-14
Psalm 1
Follow Dudley Anderson on Twitter @godtracker
Verse of the Week
Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
Quote of the Week
Sample of Dudley's Fave Quotes
"Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor." --- Benjamin Franklin
Don't Give Up, Look Up!
Look up and Fix Your Eyes on Jesus!
Guide me and direct me to build this house according to your blueprint, O Lord
"Sovereign Lord, I admit that I have excluded you from my business ventures. It's likely that I have excluded you from many relationships and activities in my life, too. Please forgive me. Today I take this moment to re-acknowledge you in every aspect of my life from my friendships to my family; from my career to my church activities. I confess you as foreman of my life. Guide me and direct me to build this house according to your blueprint, O Lord. Amen."
If you need more prayer feel free to email [email protected]
What is trACker?
GodTracker and trACker owe their origins to an international Christian radio programme produced by Dudley Anderson called, OnTrack. Although OnTrack went off-air in 2005, trACker has continued to help people to track God's plans and purposes for their lives since July 2003.
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Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa Dudley Anderson began writing for radio in 1994. Dudley currently writes a weekly e-mail Christian motivational thought called GodTracker and has complied 2 devotional books based on GodTracker. More information at
Article Source: WRITERS
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