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by Eugene Lopatynsky  
6/15/2015 / Christian Apologetics

If everything needs a cause and a beginning, then where did the first cause come from? Where did God come from? And when? Would not the first cause need another cause for itself?

Causality, like truth itself, is superb evidence for God, never against our Creator. Enemies would have you believe the opposite. But In reality, causality does provide a totally ground shattering, beautiful, clear and fundamental account and solution to these questions. Take a look!

There maybe those who might object to calling causality a science. Let them consider that causality is the very epicenter of every scientific investigation and advance. Only a rigorous experimental approach, which is really an investigation of the "cause and effect" of process in question, can provide scientific knowledge and progress.

There is no experimentation without a study of cause, timing and effect.

It is the study and investigation of these "cause and effect" processes which provides us with any real scientific knowledge and the advance of science.


Our world, as we know it now, is defined, upheld, controlled and sustained by fundamental, NATURAL, physical laws.

Natural laws- like gravity, like the first Law of Thermodynamics (conservation of energy), Second Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy: Decay, Devolution of every design and structure); laws governing the function of electrical currents and a million other physical laws define all of NATURE around us; we are totally surrounded by natural laws, in fact we could not exist without them at all.

Who gave the laws? Why and how do they function? "NATURE" is a design, functioning perfectly, without fail or exception to its laws. Who gave the design? Why has it not devolved (decayed) yet totally, according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics? Will that be just a question of time?


The most fundamental NATURAL law, underlying all laws of nature, is the Law of CAUSALITY. This underlies every phenomenon, every chemical reaction, and every existing process. There is an obvious ideological reason why it is not taught right now, as you see it here.

We have a trillion examples of obedience to this law. We, collectively, do not have a single known natural exception to this law.

What is the Law of Causality?

The LAW of CAUSALITY is a "natural law", it is in no way a supernatural or non-natural explanation of our universe. It states that:

EVERYTHING NATURAL, WHICH EXISTS, AND IS SUBJECT TO NATURAL LAWS, MUST HAVE A CAUSE AND A BEGINNING. Nothing natural can just exist without a cause or without a beginning.


Mathematics can be viewed as the foundation of all natural foundations. No mathematical expression exists to describe a origin-less (without origin, without beginning) phenomenon.

It is impossible to count without, somewhere, beginning to count. We have an expression of minus infinity going to plus infinity which also must begin (start) at zero. The concept of something natural without a beginning is totally foreign to our reality. We have a concept of travelling a circle forever. But every circle must be entered at its periphery to commence (begin, start) this process. In fact it is impossible to even draw a circle, except starting at its periphery. If you have a machine stamping a completed circle, you need to account for a cause and beginning of the machine itself, and so on. Then how could a machine stamp a circular process without beginning, without stamping it sometime?

You cannot count without beginning to count. There is no such thing. It's mathematically impossible. There always must be a beginning, somewhere.


Similarly, nothing which exists in NATURE has ever been found to exist without a cause. There is no EFFECT without a CAUSE. This is the most fundamental Natural law of all. This provides the basis for every experimental investigation.

Why could not matter have just existed forever?

Because matter is made up an infinitely complex physical phenomena of moving, extremely ordered, particles and complicated forces, absolutely subject to all fundamental physical laws, like the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics and all others. Look at Entropy (law of devolution or decay), as an example. Everything in nature decays from more complex to more simple, every design and every structure. Matter absolutely obeys all other physical laws, most notably that of cause and effect. Consider just one Law, the Law of Entropy: How could Uranium have just existed forever if it decays to Lead? And so on.

How can we know that there is NO EFFECT WITHOUT A CAUSE? Because we have endless trillions of proven NATURAL examples and processes showing cause and effect; and NOT A SINGLE proven NATURAL EXCEPTION to this law. Everything natural, every phenomenon, has a beginning and a cause.

Surely, in view of such colossal evidence it must be idiotic to assume the contrary.

This is absolutely experimentally verifiable, without a single existing, proven exception.

To say, well, we shall someday discover a natural effect without a cause this is like saying, well, we shall, some day, find there is no law of gravity (not lack of gravity, but nonexistence of the laws of gravity). I think, we best forget that kind of (evolutionary) "reasoning".


And NOW, here comes the "rub", the spectacular pay-off, the practical part "where the tires meet the road".

If everything needs a cause and a beginning, where is the FIRST cause of all? Where did it come from? Who made it and when? Why does it NOT require another cause for itself?

Evidently, THE FIRST CAUSE IS IMPOSSIBLE BY NATURAL MEANS. Because, in nature, it would only require another cause for itself again. THE FIRST CAUSE HAD TO BE SUPERNATURAL, NOT SUBJECT TO NATURAL LAWS, as we know them.

Let me restate this: THE FIRST, UN-CAUSED CAUSE, HAD TO BE SUPERNATURAL, NOT SUBJECT TO PHYSICAL LAWS! Otherwise it would have required another cause for itself also. It could not have been any First Cause!

That conclusion is absolutely inescapable. The FIRST CAUSE must be outside all natural laws as we know them.

You are looking at another reality, unimaginable to us, who are bound by natural things.

Why another reality, not subject to physical laws?
Because we exist. We would not exist without the FIRST cause producing a physical reality.

The FIRST CAUSE could have never been NATURAL, subject to physical laws and causality. It had to be SUPERNATURAL, outside of all physical laws.

There it is.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you.

Men are not lost because they are sinners; they are lost because they have rejected Jesus who died for them. The ultimate treasure is not creation, it is the Creator. Any CONCEIVABLE sacrifice in this world is worthwhile just to find Jesus and to belong to Him! If you want Him, pray now with me, "DEAREST LORD JESUS, FORGIVE ME MY SINS; PLEASE BE THE LORD OF MY LIFE; HELP ME TO LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND OBEY YOU WITH ALL MY STRENGTH! HELP ME TO READ YOUR BIBLE DAILY, EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE."

If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. After this, clean up your life with the Bible. Check out the guide in "How to read the Bible and clean up your life" in (under Discipling Bible Studies). It's made for you.
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