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ONE-WAY ONLY SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE? If Pastors betray us, what can YOU do?

by Eugene Lopatynsky  
11/18/2015 / Politics

Do we have a ONE WAY ONLY, a lying "separation" of Church and State? Should real separation not be both ways?

The slow process of criminalizing Christianity is rapidly picking up speed and direction in what used to be once, the land of free and the home of the brave. We live now in the midst of rapidly multiplying, SATANIC STATE LAWS. Where is our separation FROM the State? If your Pastors are unwilling to defend you and our Country, then WHAT CAN YOU, THE PARISHONER, DO?

Christians left Europe to freely worship their God and escape STATE persecutions. Now we face persecution again at home, in America. Don't kid yourself. Eventually these "dear people" will kill you, faithful Pastors first, as they did in China, in Russia and everywhere the Luciferians achieved absolute power.

RIGHT NOW, ONLY SATANS LAW (STATE LAW) IS ENFORCED in the conduct of marriage, divorce, abortion, homosexuality, "morality" in schools and the upbringing of YOUR children. Very soon Satan's Law will be the only thing you are allowed to preach. Do you want that?

The laws of the land (State Laws) forbid NOW to obey God in the area of marriage, in the husband's authority over his family, in the promotion of divorce, in the upbringing of our children, criminalizing all Biblical discipline, in the promotion of sexual perversions and homosexuality. That is a separation of State and Church? Soon, Kiddo, if you preach the Word of God you will end up in jail. Later they will kill you for it. So much for the land of the free. How about the home of the brave?

Ironically it is THE PASTORS, YOUR PASTORS, who BEAR MUCH OF THE BLAME AND THE SHAME OF WHAT'S HAPPENING. Nearly all pastors are happily receiving a BRIBE of tax-free status to remain silent and never participate in elections or politics.

They have accepted the idiotic lie and illusion of "separation of church and state", because of the MONEY they get to keep, without taxation, without interference! This lying "separation" is in one direction only to separate us from our freedom to worship and to obey our God. WE HAVE NO WAY TO SEPARATE THE STATE FROM PERSECUTING OUR FAITH. Is this not a real 'ONE WAY ONLY' SEPARATION?

May the Lord God repay you PASTORS for betraying your sheep into the hands of wolves! How much did Judas receive to betray Jesus?

The betrayal consists in accepting the political BRIBE of a tax-free status in return for NOT TEACHING THE PARISHIONERS HOW TO VOTE. This way the most basic freedom in American Democracy, of legal ORGANIZED Christian self-defense by voting, has been eliminated through the betrayal by the greedy Pastors.

When did the prophets or the apostles accept money to be silent before the government? The war of American Independence was fought from the pulpits. There was no separation of church and state then. And now there is?

A real separation of church and state was never intended by the founding fathers. IT IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION. It never was a part of our Constitution. The ONLY document with similar language was a private letter by one of them, insisting that the state keeps his fingers off the church; never the reverse. "Give to Caesar what is Caesars, and to God what is Gods", what does it mean? Everything is Gods, or will be again during the 1000 year reign of Christ.


On the international and national scene it may be nearly impossible to affect any great changes in these days. Satan and his children have stealthily and very effectively seen to that. BUT IT IS CERTAINLY POSSIBLE TO AFFECT SIGNIFICANT CHANGES ON THE LOCAL SCENE: inside your own family, neighbors, among your friends and small congregation, in the local school elections, LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION.

We have only one non-violent way to protect the flock (your sheep, entrusted to you by God) and our whole country by NOT VOTING FOR DEVILS who implement more satanic laws, but by NOMINATING LOCAL CHRISTIANS, then SUPPORTING them, at least in all local and school elections.

An honest Pastor in Christ should forget the tax-free exemption and help with voting, informing and teaching to support Christian candidates and oppose all legislatures against the Law of Christ. Then, turn around, pick up your cross and follow Christ! Or is this far too much to ask of a Pastor?

HERE IS SOMETHING FOR PASTORS WHO ARE SLOW TO CHANGE: Train a few people to engage in political warfare and have them continue a program of "mutual help for each other" (Gal 6:2, 10 - this is Christ's new Law) at meetings and to "clean up government", all seemingly "outside" the church. Have them meet somewhere every week. Promote and defend (secretly if necessary) their function! God help us Man! Don't just sleep inactive on top of your tithes!

DEAREST BROTHER PARISHIONERS, if your Pastor keeps on sleeping, YOU organize the above without him. Get truly busy in informing and DEFENDING CHRISTIANITY AT THE POLLS. All our freedom and all we hold dear is most fundamentally at stake here. Pray for your Pastor. Maybe he will still wakeup in time, instead of waking eventually in a Luciferian prison or forced labor camp.
THIS ARTICLE MAY SEEM HARSH. It is, because the biter reality forced upon us all is more than harsh. That which confronts us and WHAT IS COMING is indeed a deadly danger to the faith of many, the security of our kids and marriages, our property and, eventually don't kid yourself our very lives. What do you think has happened in the previous century? What is happening today to Christians globally? When you hear today of massacres in Africa or somewhere, "our" press will never tell you that these are massacres of Christians. You think our future in America will remain comfortable?

Nevertheless, let us beware of condemning people lightly. There are very many WHO ARE GOOD MEN in spite of serious faults. First EXAMINE, then ADMONISH, do not condemn lightly. Errors do not void the value of a man or his salvation. Only an unrepentant heart, deceitful before God and men, knowingly continuing in sin, can void salvation. From such turn away (2 Tim 3:1-5).
MAY I SAY A WORD TO OUR DEAR "BROTHERS TO BE", with a hero's heart but still empty inside, those who have not yet invited Christ Jesus to be the Ruler of their Life:

With infinite love God gave us a Savior and his Word, The Bible, a light unto our path and life eternal for those who want it.

The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you.

Men are not lost because they are sinners; they are lost because they have rejected Jesus who died for them. The ultimate treasure is not creation, it is the Creator. Any CONCEIVABLE sacrifice in this world is worthwhile just to find Christ Jesus and to belong to Him!

If you want Him, pray now with me, "DEAREST LORD JESUS, FORGIVE ME MY SINS; PLEASE BE THE LORD OF MY LIFE; increase my love for you, and my obedience to you, Dear God who art One; help me to read your Bible every day of my life".

If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. After this, check out the guide in "How to read the Bible and clean up your life" in or It's made for you.

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