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by Eugene Lopatynsky  
5/15/2016 / Prophecy

From four thousand years ago you encounter statues of a woman holding a child, statues which were worshiped in practically all the devil infested religions of the world.

Do you think, for a moment, they were worshipping Mary and Jesus, within pagan religions, thousands of years before Christ? They were worshipping idols of Samirabis holding Tamuz (baby Baal), and all corresponding variations thereof, within all early civilizations.

The whole thing, they say, actually started in the Garden of Eden, when the ultimate deceiver, betrayer and destroyer walked out as the temporary god (small g) of this world (2 Cor. 4:4).

What was God's prophecy to both of them, to the woman and to Satan, at that time?

Gen. 3: 14-15

14And the LORD GOD said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed.

15And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and BETWEEN THY SEED AND HER SEED; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

The only way Satan could procreate HIS SEED is evidently by means of a human woman. Satan's demons are not his (Satan's) offspring, they are Satan's associates. The HYBRIDS resulting from demons fornicating human women are the offspring of demons. Every SEED mentioned in the Bible involves a mingled DNA, according to its KIND. The word KIND is used here instead of species; is used to identify all variations capable of procreation within an existing genetic platform.

Now, what might the rest of all this mean?

There are some people who understand it to mean the following: One human woman is apparently to bring forth the CHILD of the Most High God within a prophesied perfect genetic lineage from Noah to Abraham, to King David, to Mary. The SON of God (as offspring of God and a virgin woman Mary) will "bruise" the head d Satan himself.

Many secret societies apparently are holding out the hope of man becoming god (small g), not by any fairytale of evolution, but by genetic 'up- breeding', by interbreeding with demons.

Some future woman will apparently give birth to a genetic offspring of Satan, and the offspring is expected to be similar to the GIANT Nephilim and will represent the "capstone" on the pyramid of the dollar bill. Most "modern bibles" (small b) have already replaced "cornerstone of the foundation" (Christ) with the Masonic "capstone of the arch" (Antichrist).

Twice already, in the history of mankind, did demons have sex with human women. Before the flood, only eight people were left with un-mingled, purely human genealogy. After the flood the same thing happened within the "Promised Land", producing the GIANTS (Nephilim, Raphalim, Emins, Zamzumins, etc). Please look up "RAPTURE CAN NOT APPROACH UNTIL PROPHECY COMPLETES", in Just click on my name to find it.

The first hybrid invasion was removed by the flood of Noah, the second, within the Promised Land, was removed by "conquest" (actually by God's direct intervention in combat) but unfortunately (through Israel's refusal) the hybrids were incompletely removed. The third infestation is prophesied for Daniels Ten Toes Kingdom of "iron and clay" and will usher in the Apocalypse. Look it up (Bible).

The same symbol of a woman bringing forth a 'Messiah' is thus used by both opposing sides. It represents the intervention of God to save humanity from evil. To the Luciferians, it similarly represents the intervention of Satan within mankind to perpetuate forever institutionalized cruelty and injustice. If you object to saying cruelty and injustice, then what do you suppose the Luciferians teach and practice now?

To Christians, it is forbidden to use this symbol (or any symbol) as an object of worship (Exodus 20: 4-5). The enemies of our God do not have comparable restraints.

Now, what about the contemporary phenomena of apparitions of a woman and child and the messages given on these occasions, which are reputed to be NON-BIBLICAL or clearly ANTI-BIBLICAL?

Additionally, what about reports of a 'baby Jesus' appearing during apparitions? The only body of Christ Jesus, supplied by Mary, NO LONGER EXISTS from the time of resurrection. It has been REPLACED completely by a new, ADULT, eternal, glorified body which is a marvel of marvels. The old body obtained from Mary, and certainly any previous CHILD BODY for Jesus, no longer exist at all. Why would they, as separate bodies, continue to exist?

Who then, appears in all these "modern apparitions"? You decide.

In every instance of the Religion of the Giants, now enduring in every so-called Secret Society and taught in their higher degrees, the future genetic mingling of demons (they say CELESTIAL part) with man (they say TERRESTRIAL part) is taught to be the final hope of mankind, as a supreme elevation of mankind to 'godhood' (or half demon-hood) and this teaching is kept as a great secret. But the Bible explains this secret freely to everybody interested.

According to Daniels Ten Toes Kingdom there will be no love lost at all between the Hybrid Giants (Iron) and humans ('puny' Clay). The Luciferians don't seem to realize that in every issue and future encounter ONLY THE HYBRIDS WILL PREVAIL. Tremendous future hatreds and resentments would appear inevitable.

The THIRD DEMONIC INVASION is still future, but probably very near. Satan is to receive the key (permission) to the bottomless pit the demons imprisoned there will ASCEND FROM BELOW and demons still free will be banished to the earth FROM ABOVE. Something like the waters during the global flood, but this time it's not waters, it's a flood of demons. That is the expected paradigm shift, the genetic "quantum leap" for mankind. Or, at least, WHAT THEY WILL DO TO HUMAN WOMEN will be the "quantum leap". Some fun coming, eh?

According to God's Word, ancient history is staring us in the face, this time from the rapidly approaching future. Man is hurtling toward it even as you read. GOD SAID THE DISASTER AND SUFFERING WILL BE GREATER THAN ANYTHING IN PAST HISTORY EVER WAS, OR EVER SHALL BE.

Good Luck?

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