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by Eugene Lopatynsky  
6/09/2016 / Education

There is not the slightest shred of real evidence in existence to support any claims of millions, billions or trillions of years for the age of the Earth. All of this is just a direct lie, a colossal hoax, to destroy your faith in God, to eliminate in your mind Father God as Creator.

There wasn't even one of the authors, promoters or wealthy supporters of this nonsense, who were not members of Luciferian societies from the very beginning. Not a single one of the originators of evolution even held a single degree in science. Certainly, their work is ideologically and politically vitally important and necessary in the process killing your faith and installing the Antichrist.

These celebrated "authorities" will deny God to you and your children, while they, themselves, worship Satan and sacrifice to him in their locked, windowless Lodges. They call Satan the Great Architect of the Universe. Is that a valid evolutionary concept? Your kids, in the meantime, are taught evolution.

The geologic column exhibited by them exists only in school textbooks. The so called specimen strata are merely a reproducible sorting by specific density, habitat and capacity to swim, all of it a product of a global flood.

After a total failure of radiological dating, the ecological age of an "index fossil" is now "determined" solely by circular reasoning, by the strata of the find and the age of this very "strata" is "determined" by this very same index fossil.

In the "front of the museum" they will tell you that TRILOBITES are a half billion years old, because THE STRATA (layer of dirt), where they were found, IS HALF A BILLION YEARS OLD. At the other end of the museum, when you ask how do they know the AGE OF THIS STRATA, they will tell you that the PRESENCE OF TRILOBITE FOSSILS DATE THE STRATA as half a billion years. This is mere evolutionary CIRCULAR REASONING. There is no SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE for these ages whatsoever.

Hundreds and thousands of ongoing natural processes testify to a, geologically, very YOUNG Earth. Have a look at what's going on around you:

The DIAMETER OF THE SUN is shrinking at a rate of 1% per century or 5 feet per hour due to gravitational collapse and loss of radiated matter. Calculating back, toward the ages postulated by Luciferians, the suns diameter would have been approaching the orbit of mercury! The planets would have been burned out cinders, or have crashed into the sun. How could trilobites be 500 million years old? Got a calculator?

The EARTH'S ROTATION is slowing by nearly a second every 3 years (1/1000 sec daily). Extrapolate back a few hundred thousand years what do you get? There are only so many seconds in a 24 hour day. When would daylight be halved and rotation doubled?

The DISTANCE TO THE MOON increases by nearly 3 inches yearly. How far back can you calculate without an obvious planetary holocaust?

The present POPULATION GROWTH is nearly 2% per year. In the past, correcting for lack of medical advances and longevity, a growth of 0.5 % per year is historically acceptable, with population reductions of 70% every 70 years due to epidemics, old age and war. Using these figures we obtain 3.5 billion people in 4000 years from a single set of parents.

If the Neanderthal type of man existed only one million years ago we obtain, at 0.5 % annual increase, about 10 raised to the power of 2110 people on earth! Consider that the number of molecules in the entire earth is less than 10 raised to the power of 56!

The appearance of MAN is extremely recent, nothing whatever like the eons suggested by the Luciferians. Both written human history and architectural evidence date back only a few thousand years. Why?

All the Luciferian "missing links" of "evolution" have been proven to be frauds, just like their Nebraska Man who was "restored by artists" from a single tooth of a pig.

If the Earth is billions of years old, then why are the oceans not 20 percent (or more) salt as in the "Dead Sea"? Examine "Flux of Chemicals by Rivers" in "Will Evolution Crush your Kids." for a host of details (, my article).

Why is the biggest desert only 4000 years old and the age of the greatest coral deposits around Australia only 4000 years old? If the Earth is billions of years old, why don't we have a larger desert o older coral reef? The global flood left immense evidence of cataclysmic geological, worldwide, upheavals why are we never permitted to study, or even to mention that? How come we have coal and oil? And inside the coal deposits are found human artifacts? Hmn?

EVERY CONCEIVABLE PROCESS, which could shed light on the age of this planet as well as the age of once living things, consistently argues for a YOUNG EARTH!

MEASUREMETS OF HEAT radiated by Jupiter and Saturn (twice the energy they receive from the sun), solar system dust and the Poyntin-Robertson effect, pressure gradients in oil/gas deposits in permeable rock, mass-loss of short periods comets, escape of high velocity stars extrapolated to common point of origin, and many hundreds and thousands of investigated rate processes invariably point at a young earth.

Carbon 14 has been found in all coal, oil and fossils, proving absolutely that all these are extremely young. Mathematically, after 50,000 years there are no C14 atoms left to count. Applying a correction for lack of steady state (more C14 formed than lost) we obtain ages under 10,000 years! Need you wonder why they never taught you this?

WHY aren't such basic, fundamental facts EVER mentioned in the National Geographic? Hmn?

If they aren't there, what about evolution?

ATHEISM is a RELIGION. There is no conceivable way to PROVE THERE IS NO GOD; especially when everything points to a special creation. Atheism rests on pure belief, on faith. It is a religion. One difference between their religion and ours is that their religion is TAX SUPPORTED.
And we are all required to pay for it.

Will you trust the Luciferians for your eternity?

Is it not surprising that some Christians have actually swallowed this Luciferian hoax, without ever investigating, and have subsequently attempted to synchronize our Bible with these "evolutionary" lies?

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