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Formatting Help Regular FaithWriters Articles
by Michael Edwards
10/09/2016 / Writing
Hello FaithWriters,
This does not apply to free reprints, only FaithWriters Regular article submission.
Some people, myself included, have had issues copying articles from a Word document into the rich text editor on FaithWriters. Here is some help.
Sometimes when I copy an article from a word document into the rich text editor submission box for regular articles, the formatting gets messed up. This does not always happen, just occasionally. I have discovered that this is usually due to hidden characters or formatting in the word document. This can also be affected by the version of word you are using.
If I copy and paste a word document into the submission box and it looks incorrect, I do the following.
1) Open up a new blank word document.
2) Paste the article into that document first. Paste by right clicking and then out of the three options presented for pasting, choose the middle one, the merge formatting one.
3) Now your article is in the new word document. When I did this, my formatting was still there but I often had double spacing between my paragraphs. This was not visibly present in my original word document. This tells me that there was something hidden in my original word document I did not want there. These hidden characters or formatting would adversely affect my submission into regular articles.
4) I make corrections to my article in the new word document. I then copy it and use "CTRL V" to paste it in the regular article submission box and it looks correct this time.
Here is a short video I made demonstrating what to do:
Just copy it and paste it in your browser.
Another Option
Use our regular submission box that indicates it is for poetry use. It will work fine if you do not require fancy formatting and this simple editor does not have the formatting conflicts/issues we are discussing. If you are logged in, it can be found here:
When editing your articles, it is important to stick with the same editor you posted that specific article with originally.
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