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AND THEN WHAT? What Happens at Endpoint?

by Eugene Lopatynsky  
11/24/2016 / Christian Living

Is that getting really personal? Yes, an endpoint will be very personal, awaiting every person now alive. Every one of us will have an endpoint in this world, masters and servants, both the butchers and their victims. Every previous generation has disappeared.

So will we, in due time.

There are spiritual facts concerning this end-point, whether anyone wants to believe it or not. There are definite things which GOD SAYS and those which Satan lies about, and the disastrous, bitter experience of dealing with demons for millennia.

What will happen to those who love and obey Father God? God Himself said that the ear has not heard neither could the eye have seen, NEITHER CAN MAN EVEN IMAGINE THE HAPPINESS which God has prepared for those who love him (1 Cor. 2:9, paraphrased, if you please)!

A bright, unimaginably wonderful future is awaiting every Christian.God's Word, Sir. Look it up.

What do you suppose will confront those who REJECT the immense gift of a loving God, so great, SO GREAT, a salvation?

By contrast, the proud enemies of Christianity are facing an eventual future of indescribable horror, which also cannot be even imagined by anybody in this world. Satan does not fool around. He means business and his business is to lie, to betray and cause eventually infinite suffering to EVERYONE he can touch. EVERY DISCIPLE HE TAKES, HE TAKES KNOWINGLY INTO ETERNAL DESTRUCTION. Satan knows it. His disciples do not and keep trusting these Devils. How would anybody choose a master like that?

It is incredible that the Luciferian Elite does not suspect that. These are highly intelligent people and they don't even suspect that? They insist on trusting the ultimate betrayer and deceiver? This is doubly difficult to understand, considering that every Luciferian knows that man does NOT live only for this world alone. They know there is another reality, another dimension and eternity out there. What they don't know is that eternal JUSTICE will also be also out there; no more of lies of Satan, instead there will be God's Justice, the God of Abraham!

Apart from these half blind there are also many who are totally blind. They do not even believe in God. These interesting people believe that they evolved from a rock and that they can escape all responsibility and eternal justice by just physically leaving this world. They imagine that the demise of a perishable body is the very end, followed merely by being recycled into a worm or a plant. Satan loves to keep his illegitimate children blind to provide them at the end with a spectacular, (hilarious?), "lovely surprise". Can you imagine him laughing at that end-point?

The body we have will disintegrate, like old pajamas and return to dust. But the consciousness will survive.

The big question is not how, but WHERE?

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