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There Is No Place Left In Your Heart For God

by lareina morgan  
3/29/2017 / Salvation

Find a place in your heart for true love.

Luke ch 10:25-27


On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

“What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

When you are faced with problems in your life, and when you have tried every possible logical way to solve the problem, and nothing else seems to work, what is your next move? Is that when you remember that there is a God in heaven who may be able to help? Suddenly, you begin to realize that you don't have as much power and influence in your own affairs as you thought.

Loving God means that you allow Him to drive the car, because the truth is that you have always been the passenger. Life's struggles seem to have a way of clearing your head and your mind from believing lies, holding on to denials, and harboring deceits. When you come to the end of your rope, no amount of pride, social and political mongering, pseudo scientific data, or harebrained schemes will keep you motivated to live the way you have always lived; when you are hurting and in pain, you will look for a real solution that will solve your problems.

Trust in Jesus Christ, the One who loves you, the One who died for you, that gave you life, and blessed you with health, provisions, and hope. Live for Him, and He will celebrate you and your life lived for His benefit. Open your heart to new revelations of love, peace, and happiness. This love, peace, and happiness is not as the world sees such things, but it is selfless love, resting in His presence, and joy in your heart; even when evertthing seems dark and gloomy, and everyone else around you is falling apart, you will know that God loves you, will take care of you, and will make a way out of no way.

The world may not be interested in the real God of Heaven coming down to fix its problems, but you may rest assured that Jesus Christ is coming back very soon, for humanity has shown it is unwilling to solve its problems with true love and wisdom. When He arrives, those who have survived the coming storm
will be dismayed, because they wanted to do things their own way; dont allow yourself to be in that number.

He is knocking at the door of your heart, He loves you, and will not stop pursuing you until He is sure that you will never listen. Be willing to hear Him, be patient with the way He wants to change your life, and respond to His call of love, fellowship, and offer of salvation.

If you are interested in experiencing true love, then repeat this small prayer:

Prayer of Salvation


I repent for trying to be master of my own life. I change my mind about who I want to be in charge of my life. I turn from my useless and unproductive thoughts that I am the center of my universe and choose to believe in the living God who created everything, including me (Acts 14:15). I have lived without a purpose but now I will live to hear and obey You, God (Jn. 5:19, 20,30).

I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that God so loved the world He sent His only Son Jesus to shed His blood to wash away the barrier of sin (Jn. 3:16)

I receive You, Jesus as MY Lord and Savior (Jn. 1:11,12).

I welcome You, Holy Spirit, into my life to rescue and empower me and to restore me to intimacy with my heavenly Father (Acts 2:38).

If you just confessed this prayer, you are saved! I welcome you into the family my (brother/sister) I pray for peace, joy, and happiness in your life as you allow the Lord to love you and bless you and give you assurance of everlasting life with Him forever and ever......PRAISE GOD!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

from the true world of God Blog

Article Source: WRITERS

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