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Change Is Good In God's Kingdom

by lareina morgan  
4/25/2017 / Christian Living

Yesterday was the first day that it felt like fall, and it was windy and cold. I wasn't prepared for the change, so I didn't wear stockings with my pants, and my legs were cold. I had enjoyed the mild weather so much that I had not realized how much the weather had changed until I went outside. What a difference a day can make.

Lately, you may have noticed that changes are happening in the world on a daily basis, and these changes are making people think fearful thoughts. Change can be a positive experience, but the changes that are being seen these days cannot be considered in a positive way.

While the world becomes a more negative place, we need to focus on the positive things of life. We need to focus on Our Savior, Jesus Christ, for He knew that these times would come, and He is not surprised about what is going on in the world today. We need to make sure we are in fellowship with Him, so when we see the strange things happening all around us, we can be at peace, knowing that God will provide for us and protect us, and that His will for our lives is for the best. We can help other people see the truth of the signs of the times, when they finally realize that there has to be something better than what the world has to offer.

We cannot help others if we don't know what is going on ourselves; it is time to focus on God and to read the word of God, for you cannot prepare for His return if you don't know what the sign of these times mean. As born again believers, it is our obligation to find out as much as we can about what it means to be a Christian in these last days and how we are to live and how to interact with others. We are the only image of Christ that they may ever see so we need to know how God wants us to behave, and that starts with allowing the love of christ to overflow from our hearts.

Allow the Lord to change your heart and mind, so that expressing His love will become easier with each passing day. Don't worry about what you see happening on a daily basis, for His will and plans for this world will come to pass; we must be patient and focus on His love and mercy. He will not allow any of His little ones to perish.

Pray for peace in your heart and for understanding and wisdom, so that you can interpret the signs of the times correctly.

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

from the true world of God Blog

Article Source: WRITERS

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