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Pray From Victory

by lareina morgan  
4/26/2017 / Devotionals

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Prayer is a necessary resource of the believer, it is the main way we express ourselves to God; 'Fret not about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.'(philippians 4:6) God encourages us in the bible to come to Him in prayer, expressing our needs, our requests for help and revelation, to open our hearts to Him and worship Him through song and praise.

Prayer opens up the dialogue between you and the Father; when you speak your concerns to Him, He listens to you, and answers your petitions. He has many ways of answering prayer, so He won't always answer in the same way, however there are three type of answers that are received: YES, NO, and WAIT. He may approve of your request, and the circumstances in your life changes as He moves on your behalf; your circumstances don't change and He lets you know He does not approve of your request, usually by speaking to your heart, or He may use a situation or a person in your life to relay that message. You may get the answer you were not expecting, which is, NOT YET, and He will encourage you to be patient and wait.

Sometimes, you may experience a situation where you have prayed about a situation and have received no answer. You are sure that you have done everything right to receive it; you worshiped, you prayed, you read the bible, you prayed with other prayer warriors, but nothing seems to work. That's when you have to decide to keep on praying until you receive your answer.

I don't know how long it will take to receive that answer, because everyone's situation is different, and what the Lord does with one person is not the same for the next person, but I do know that if you give up, you will never receive an answer. When you feel that you have done everything to get His attention, and you still haven't received an answer, that is when you need to increase your praise and
worship time. You need to start praying from the stance of Victory.

Declare the word of God on that situation, believe when you declare it that it will manifest, because you have authority through the word of God.

Joshua 1:7-8

I am strong and very courageous. I am careful to obey all the instructions... I do not deviate from them, turning either to the right
or to the left. This is why I am successful in everything I do. I study this Book of Instruction continually. I meditate on it day and night...Only then will I prosper and succeed in all I do.

Romans 10:17 faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. [When I hear myself speaking God’s Word my faith grows and I become a God pleaser].

That is why it is so essential to read and study the word of God on a daily basis, that is how the word soaks into your heart and mind, so when circumstances arise, the word will also rise from your heart into your mind, and you will have the faith to declare that word over your situation. Memorize key scriptures, the ones that apply to your situation, and speak them out loud to yourself and declare it over your problem. Keep praising Him, and thanking Him in advance for the victory, and you will receive your answer. When you receive your answer, show your gratitude to Him, because whatever it is, it will be the right solution. You may feel prompted to keep on praying until your answer manifests.

Mark 11:23-24

(If I would)...say to this mountain, ‘you must immediately be removed and you must immediately be cast into the sea,’ and would not doubt in my heart but would believe that what I am saying is happening, it will be to me. I must continally pray for everything, then for whatever I am asking, I believe that I have taken it, and it will be there for me.

So, don't be discouraged if you haven't found a job yet, or you haven't received your healing, or the person
you are praying about hasn't changed, or your circumstances seem hopeless; God has heard you, but He may
be doing some things in the background to bring about your victory, or He is trying to change not just your
circumstances, but you as well, so let Him change whatever needs to be done in your life.

Give Him the praise continually, and show your love and appreciation for His love, grace, and mercy in
your life, and He will respond. When He does, it is your obligation to receive it and obey whatever He
tells you to do. Keep On Praying Children Of God, And The Lord Of Hosts Will Deliver You In Due Time!

May the Lord keep you and Bless you this day....AMEN

from the true world of God Blog

Article Source: WRITERS

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