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The Miracle of the Shoes

by Don Pedal  
8/25/2017 / Salvation

During my quiet time with our Lord, I was lead to the verse about the shoes and clothes of the Israelites as they traveled in the desert wilderness. Miraculously, they never wore out or became shabby. (Deut. 29:5) Our Lord loved and blessed them even though He knew they would soon become rebellious.

Even though I have several pairs of shoes, I do not rely on them to travel.  My mind wandered to the thought --- how do I get around? My car came to mind.                                     

I have a vintage car, 14 years old, that runs and looks new --- even the paint. The interior shows very little wear. The entire electrical system is still reliable.

There are those who would say, "That is because you are efficient and take care of your possessions", but I know differently.

It is strange how my appliances seem to keep operating efficiently. My clothing, though washed regularly, shows little wear. I live in a safe neighborhood. We enjoy fresh air and fresh, clean, water provided by our own well, checked regularly to ensure purity. I have a peace and joy in my heart that only God can give.The question is,  why am I so blessed? Have you thought about your blessings?

About now you may be thinking, "OK, get to the point. I am very busy and my time is valuable". I understand and you are right. Time is very valuable. We are each given the same amount of it thus we must be very careful with it.

I am a man, 90 years old and very healthy. My only aid is my cane to help me with my balance.   I know that only God can bless us with this kind of health. I am also a diabetic and have been for over 20 years. My glucose level is very low, well within the safe range for a person my age.

There are those that would say I have inherited good genes. My mother died at 70 years of age and my father at 74.

Some would go so far as to say I simply inherited my ancestors, the apes and chimpanzees, genes. Sorry, but no animal, fowl, fish or other creatures have a soul and spirit. No other created beings on earth have the ability to know that a loving God created them and have the choice to respond to Him or not.

There are those who might be thinking, I have plenty of time and I want to enjoy life. Later in life, I might think about spiritual things and consider it then. What guarantee do you have that assures you that you even have a tomorrow? We live on the knife-edge of time, which is now. What if you make a mistake, die and find yourself before the judgment seat of our Lord. What will you say --- sorry, Lord I made a mistake. Please give me another chance. Nothing in scripture speaks of second chances. Now you can see how critical now is.                                      

There are those who say to themselves, "I don't want to hear about any of that nonsense. I am educated and understand that religion is an opiate of the people, of those who are failing in life.   If they would just get a job and work, they would not need religion to make them feel good about themselves.

There are those who say, "I want to think about it, maybe pray about what our Lord has to say that affects me". This decision leads to procrastination which results in our delaying action until some other issue grabs our attention.

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed and feel that our tasks are more than we can handle with our meager abilities. Do not be discouraged! All of us are weak in some area of our lives. Our weakness is no surprise to God. He is ready to strengthen and guide us to accomplish the tasks He has planned for us.

As you can see, we have three choices in life. They are yes, no and I will think about it.

If we say yes, we are on our way to great blessings as we serve our living, loving God.

If we say no, we might want to reconsider our decision while we have the choice NOW.

A decision to think about it usually leads to procrastination. The temptation in procrastination is that it leads to creeping indifference. We feel that we are not that important and sure that someone else will take care of the problem. God does not bless indifference.

We live on the knife-edge of NOW! You are blessed with life and the ability to make a decision. Do not throw away this wonderful blessing and miss the opportunity to serve your loving, forgiving God and miss the life He has planned for you.

Make the decision NOW! Tomorrow may be too late!

As a senior citizen, I am dedicated to serving the Lord through sharing my experiences and insights with other believers. My primary focus is upon being an disciple of Jesus and, in being one, I can help others to find their spiritual way also.
This article is original and not copywrited

Article Source: WRITERS

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