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The Fiddler

by Don Pedal  
10/18/2017 / Christian Living

It has been said that no one applauds the fiddle after the concert --- they only applaud the fiddler. I thought at first that is nice, I will have to remember that. It slowly began to dawn on me that the saying was more profound than I had first thought.

There are, actually, four fiddlers in our lives.                                                                                           A) - the Lord, B) - the Flesh, C) - the world, and D) the Devil - Satan.                                                                                                                                    

Every one of us has one or more of these fiddlers influencing our lives and most of us are not even aware of it. We go through our life thinking we are the captain of our own ship.                           Take a few moments to ponder what I have just said.

Each one of us is walking with Jesus, born again, and willing to take up our cross daily or we are on the broad highway to pain, frustration, suffering and eventually damnation. I am not exaggerating trying to scare people but I am simply stating the truth.                                            Let us examine that broad highway that is so attractive, promises so much but delivers so little.   We will start with the flesh.

What do we mean when we use the term flesh? Webster defines it as the body distinguished from the soul, subject to its natural limitations. It means human nature, especially in its sensual aspect. Why is the flesh so attractive and easy to satisfy temporarily? If you are a Christian, you understand that we live in a fallen world. You know that we are called to take up our cross daily and follow Christ. We are saved by faith in His shed blood and in no other way.

What do we mean when we use the term world? Webster defines it as secular, social life and interests as distinguished from the religious and spiritual --- people primarily concerned with secular affairs and pursuits. Let us take a few moments to consider what this term means.           As you go out into the world have you noticed the furrowed brows, the anxiety stressed faces of people hurrying by? These are people concerned with making more money, increasing their credibility with worldly people around them, building financial empires etc. The world we live in is filled with false idols. Scripture tells us that anything we place before God becomes a false idol.

Lastly, let us consider Satan. Many of you do not believe in Satan. That is one of his biggest triumphs. He has lulled you into a comfortable belief that all is well in this world. He does not have to test you because you are already his. If this is the way you feel you need to reconsider your beliefs while there is still time. Most of you feel there is plenty of time. What if you are wrong? There are no guarantees you will be here another hour. We live on the knife- edge of now. Now is the only reality we have.

Let us consider the reality of God. For those of you who do not believe in God, I urge you to reconsider your beliefs before it is too late. If you are wrong, there is nothing in scripture that says you will have a second chance. You might think that a loving God would never send you to eternal damnation and you would be right. We condemn ourselves. He offers us the complete forgiveness of our sins, the free gift of eternal life with Him and the indwelling and guidance of the Holy Spirit. In Him, we are Born Again. God has given us the wonderful gift of choice. It is a free gift. We are not robots. No one has ever been dragged into the Kingdom of God.

Think very carefully about your life. If you are a Born Again believer, the river of life is flowing past you each day. Although it looks the same, it is not. The water that flowed by yesterday is different water. Think of the opportunities flowing by daily to reach out and help others as our Lord guides you.

Jesus tells us, "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few". Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into the harvest field. (Matt. 9:37, 38). The harvest field is white with people desperate to end an emptiness that only God can fill. What if he asks you to go? Are you prepared and willing to go? How about now, not later?

Which fiddler are you ready to serve? Now is the time of choice and opportunity.

Thank God that we live in a land that gives us freedom to choose. May we choose, wisely, to serve our Lord, as He guides us, and our fellow man.






As a senior citizen, I am dedicated to serving the Lord through sharing my experiences and insights with other believers. My primary focus is upon being an disciple of Jesus and, in being one, I can help others to find their spiritual way also.
This article is original and not copywrited

Article Source: WRITERS

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