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What Foods and Drugs to AVOID to protect health. POISONING THE PUBLIC? Part 4 of 4.

by Eugene Lopatynsky  
6/24/2018 / Health

How could there be, actually, a plan to injure the population? That’s absolutely crazy, no? It simply could not be?

If it could not be, then why do we have more than 60 million actually promoted abortions? That’s no empty phrase, that’s actually and legally killing children. If Senior Citizens were unable to speak or legally defend themselves, then you would never see many older Americans anywhere. You don’t believe it?

And how about the disabled, the quadriplegics, the diabetics? They would be surely next. Unable to treat the rest of us as the do the unborn, what else can these dear people do?


To understand what is happening, take a look at recent medical history in America.

Huge efforts were initiated to declare and treat AIDS (HIV) as a communicable, deadly disease, to identify the carriers and stop transmission. These efforts of many distinguished physicians were met with insurmountable obstacles. Today, all these people are dead. Instead, since that time, all the hysteria of “secrecy” and “privacy” has been imposed to keep disease carriers invisible and to help spread the HIV infection globally. AIDS remains a fully promoted disease by AMA (American medical association), DEA, FDA, ‘our’ government, and, certainly, by Big Pharma.

CANCER is another tragic, incredible example. The only remedy permitted for cancer in USA is “cutting, burning and poisoning”, accompanied by inhuman suffering, and a 5 year survival rate of 2.5 %! To get effective treatment Americans have to become medical refugees, seeking intervention abroad.

You think that’s enough? Has anybody considered what has been done to our American, beautiful, outdoors?  How have these Luciferian Lackeys managed to infect nearly the entire tick population out there with mycoplasma fermentans, spirochetes and virus? We never had that before! The intended result is called LYME disease, a promoted, incapacitating illness.  Any physician trying to specialize in treating Lyme disease is likely to have his medical license revoked.

Additionally, raw MERCURY AND ALUMINUM are being dumped into the brains of your infants by means of so called “vaccines”. The child receives some 29 vaccinations by the age of two. If you doubt the content of mercury in these vaccines, take a sample to a competent chemical essay lab.

The fallout from the latter resulted, apart from horrible metabolic damage, in a tremendous reduction in intelligence. “Congenital” idiots (autism) have increased more than 100 fold, since the inception of these compulsory vaccines, from one in 10, 000 to one in 165. There are reports that many “millennial births” (born near year 2000) already exhibit virtual sexual sterility and impotence.

The same nice people mentioned above are the architects of this inhuman dilemma.

The PROFIT FOR DRUG COMPANIES and the medical establishment is not primarily in obtaining cures, it is, primarily, in prolonged or lifelong treatment of near- incurable, long term diseases.  Obviously the GREATEST PROFIT RESIDES IN TREATMENT OF CHRONIC SYMPTOMS, NOT IN THEIR PREVENTION.  

FOOD INTAKE must be viewed the same way as drug therapy today. It has enormous influence on health, both for healing as well as for killing people.

 There are a host of chemical, biological and nutritional agents which, through continuous contact, produce continuous, chronic SYSTEMIC INFLAMATIONS. These have many specific focal points, like brain (neurological,” glia” inflammations, in Alzheimer and Parkinson’s), tremendous increase of the incidence of cancer, bone, cartilage (arthritis), cardio-vascular system (hypertension, stroke, MI) and so many, many others. These are, mostly, the so called degenerative diseases , so highly” valued” , as serious moneymakers, by our dear Establishment, but valued in secret.

Food supply a hundred years ago was very different to what we consume today. Wide spread use of pesticides, fungicides, artificial fertilizers, hormonal agents and antibiotics in slaughter animals, sea food contaminated by oil spills – all this promotes formation of an avalanche of free radicals in the human body, if not direct carcinogenic and hormonal effects, accompanied by antibiotic resistance.

It is reported that members of the Communist Party in China receive food directly to their residence which is “organically grown” (absence of above contaminants), entirely different medical help, and a host of other health benefits which are denied the rest of the population.

THE DEFENSE CONSISTS IN AVOIDANCE OF THE POISONS (locate some organic farms) AND A RETURN TO A WHOLISTIC TYPE OF MEDICINE, WHILE INCREASING INTAKE OF SYSTEMIC DETOXIFIERS, named variously ANTIOXIDANTS, chelating agents, vitamin supplements, and so on. Regarding defense against cancer look up various tried protocols in

GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD is a vast, growing QUESTIONMARK. In Europe such produce must be labeled as genetically ALTERED. In the USA NO such labeling has been permitted to us. Why, do you suppose, is that?

In the US nearly all the CORN and SOYA have been genetically altered. This continues with Hawaiian PAPAYA, ZUKINI, APPLES, SUGAR, HIGH FRUCTOSE and so on. It is not that they deliver 6 to 10 times more toxins of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, it is the genetic effect on third and succeeding generations. It tends to render them childles. 

Additionally there are reported HUGE CANCEROUS TUMORS, accelerated aging, severe organ damage, damaged immune response and dozens of other horrors, gleaned statistically, from the internet. Check it out on the internet.

Is there a humane solution?

Population increase will eventually, no doubt, become a severe problem. Consider, that the present POPULATION GROWTH is nearly 2% per year. In the past, correcting for lack of medical advances and longevity, a growth of 0.5 % per year is historically acceptable, with population reductions of 70% every 70 years due to epidemics, old age and war. Using these figures we obtain 3.5 billion people in 4000 years from a single set of parents. 

If the Neanderthal type of man existed only one million years ago we obtain, at 0.5 % annual increase, about 10 raised to the power of 2110 people on earth! Consider that the number of molecules in the entire earth is less than 10 raised to the power of 56. 

The appearance of MAN is extremely recent, nothing whatever like the eons claimed by the Luciferians. Both written human history and architectural evidence date back only a few thousand years. Why do YOU suppose is that?

All the Luciferian "missing links" of "evolution" have been proven to be frauds, just like their Nebraska Man who was "restored by artists" from a single tooth of a pig.

However, to permit population growth and then to secretly mutilate or kill off the people cannot be acceptable in any civilized society. It is simply an enormous and outrageous crime against humanity, a true crime against the people.


Presently, the custom is to try and avoid pregnancy (many don’t even try) until ready for offspring. The above would reverse all this, most often disastrous, procedure. All would start sterile and, in due time, reestablish fertility when ready for offspring. The number of births allowed and their genetic health could be carefully planned.

Simultaneously, all poisoning with mercury and aluminum must be eliminated, all artificial poisons and pathogens be removed from the environment.

This way the world population can be halved humanely in a single generation. Some say that such a humane approach would be contrary to Luciferian “ethics”.

Well, let the reader struggle with that one.

Spiritual Murder?

You figured this article is finally at its end? It’s not yet at its end. Honesty and an ethical environment around us are practically at an end. The assault against us is not merely physical. The few escaping survivors, still seeking God, are gobbled up inside false, deceiving, idolatrous religions.

We are certainly proceeding towards an eventual apocalypse as predicted in the Bible. The Global Luciferians are progressively silencing all religions to death. Our own Hollywood Phantasy Making Machine would not even use the name of God, except as a swearword. Mankind is really pushed into spiritual suicide. Or is it real spiritual murder?

Today, more than ever, it becomes necessary to share the gospel with others. In the Old Testament only the Levites were permitted to carry the Ark. Today, somehow, only real Christians still carry the pure gospel.

With infinite love God gave us a Savior, to pay our penalty and a Bible, a guide and light on our path! The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you.

Men are not lost because they are sinners; THEY ARE LOST BECAUSE THEY HAVE REJECTED THE JESUS OF THE BIBLE, who died for them.

Any CONCEIVABLE sacrifice is worthwhile to find the BIBLICAL Christ Jesus and to belong to Him. Many cults deny the Jesus of the Bible and present a different, false Christ, a counterfeit. You need the Living Christ Jesus of an uncorrupted Bible. If you want Him, pray now with me, "DEAREST LORD JESUS, FORGIVE ME MY SINS. I REJECT ALL NON-BIBLICAL RELIGION. COME INTO MY LIFE AND BE THE RULER OF MY LIFE. HELP ME TO LOVE YOU MORE EVERY DAY AND TO OBEY YOU WITH ALL MY STRENGTH AND TO READ YOUR BIBLE DAILY, EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE."

Something most especial is waiting for those who seek the immense goodness of our Lord. God Himself said, that "The ear has not heard and no eye has ever seen, neither can man even imagine the HAPPINESS which God prepared for those who love him" (1 Cor. 2:9, paraphrased, if you please)!

God's Word, Sir. Look it up.



I told you, this poor article is not over yet. But the next information is more technical and will lead, I hope, to your own interest in nutrition.

One would not think that VITAMIN REPLACEMENT would matter in this? If you think that, examine the labels of US multivitamin- mineral supplements; especially look for concentrations of Vitamin B1, B2 and B6. These vitamins have been substantially near-eliminated, decreased to sub-threshold values. The above three vitamins are needed, not only for health and wellbeing, but for immune defense and procreation.


MARGARINE AND OMEGA 6 OILS(all partially hydrogenated, partially unsaturated oil) is only one example of how to generate a veritable Niagara Falls of toxic FREE RADICALS in your body! LIPID PEROXIDES (fat peroxides) are the resulting culprits.  The medical establishment gave us a dead-wrong, exactly OPPOSITE advice. Would you believe it? The saturated fats (animal fats, butter) are less reactive, more difficult to oxidize into lipid peroxide (by frying). They are much less dangerous. The Omega 6 – partially UN-saturated (far more reactive) fats oxidize rapidly with heat – into LIPID PEROXIDES. Imagine FRENCH FRIES, fried with Crisco, which is changed only after 18 hours of frying by the fast food industry – what a dose of lipid peroxides pushed into the public!

For oil use ONLY OMEGA 3 – olive oil (you only need a few drops?) and keep it refrigerated, use low heat for cooking to minimize oxidation. Health damage and prevention of it, arising from contemporary FOOD is a giant subject, impossible to reproduce here. Consult specialists or use internet for references.

Even many popular, ACCEPTED MEDICATIONS need to be suspect. TheSTATINS(prescribed to reduce cholesterol) are just one case in point. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) never duplicates or investigates the so called studies presented by drug manufacturers. There is no checking. Statistics, even so, are doctored to mislead. A reported change from 1% effectiveness to 1.5% is hailed as a 50% overall increase in effectiveness for any new drug form, as if half the people were being cured.

One study reported death rate through MI (heart attack) for patients TAKING statins as 4.6% and patients NOT TAKING statins as 5.4%.  That, if true, shows only 1.2% reduction in death rate trough MI (heart attack) by taking statins virtually “forever”, but does not show the resulting increase in MORTALITY (death rate) AND MORBIDITY (illness) THROUGH BREAST CANCER DUE TO STATINS, does not show increased mortality from kidney and liver damage, does not show memory loss due to CoQ10 resulting deficiency, does not show muscle damage, does not show the drop in testosterone and resulting co- morbidities, does not show damage in pregnancy. What do you expect from a multi-multi-BILLION dollar per year industry? Would they have reported the increase in mortality due to above co-morbidities from taking statins? Neither would they mention that even LDL (LOW DENSITY CHOLESTEROL) IS ESSENTIALLY HARMLESS UNLESS IT IS OXIDIZED TO CHOLESTEROL PEROXIDES BY EXCITOTOXINS AND FREE RADICALS, FIRST. 

Those familiar with the facts will generally refuse statins unless the increase of low density lipoproteins becomes very high. They use currently the very effective natural means and protocols. 

The ATTACK against us and the DEFENSE required is massive, and cannot be treated here. Seek references on these subjects, but look for authors with verifiable professional credentials. Reportedly, the English Royalty and practically ALL the global Wealth and global Power Holders have been operating their own “organic” farms for some time now.

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