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Are You Saved

by Don Pedal  
5/08/2019 / Christian Living

Every Sunday people are sitting, comfortably, in their pews believing they are saved --- sins forgiven. They are listening to false preachers who assure them that all is well with their souls. They have no idea what being born again, saved by grace, really means. Many churches try not to offend people. They say they never talk about crosses, shed blood or stripes. They say that they believe in looking onward and forward, spreading good cheer. They have no idea that they are still in their sins and are on the pathway to eternal separation from a loving God who longs to forgive their sin and lead them to the wonderful life He has planned for them.                                       Let us start out by asking, what does God have to say, in the Bible, about being saved, washed in the blood of the Lamb? John 3, verses 5-7 Jesus answered," verily, verily, I say unto thee. Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee ye must be born again.                                                                                                                      There are many ways that we can be deceived by Satan. A few of them are; My family is Christian so I must be too. There are many paths to Heaven. Some people are legalistic. They do all the right things. They are ready and willing to help others to shape up, clean up, and maybe we will accept you. Some people believe that, because they do more good than harm, they are certainly saved. I would say to them, by what standard do you measure? It is interesting to note that they are usually comfortably on the saved side. Some people believe that a loving God would never condemn a loving person to an eternity of separation from Him and they are right. We condemn ourselves. Some people are agnostic and say, prove it to me and I might accept it. Our Lord has, by dying on a rough Roman cross. Some people are atheist and refuse to believe. I would caution you to be very careful. Nowhere in the Bible is there any reference to second chances once you die. What hinders us from being born again and filled with the Holy Spirit? The answer is commitment. That means being willing to allow our Lord to take full control of our lives. We like to hedge our bets, have a plan B ready to go. We spend a lot of time acquiring money just in case. We are really saying that we don't fully have confidence that our Lord will provide for all our needs. Notice that I said needs and not desires. Some of us don't like to jump into things and so we decide to think about it. To think about it is almost like saying no because it isn't long until the busy secular world around us gets our attention.  We are soon back to our old way of living.  Some say, it's not for me and miss out on the wonderful, fulfilling world of serving others, drawing closer to God every day and feeling His loving presence in our lives.     

What are some of the ways we can reach out into the white harvest and bear the fruit our Heavenly Father has planned for us? Pray to Him about it. We all have different talents and personalities. You can be sure He is ready to guide you.

The time to take action is now! We live on the knife- edge of now! Yesterday is a cancelled check and tomorrow is a promissory note. Step out in faith and have joy in serving God and all those dying in their sins because they have never heard the true Gospel. The cause is urgent! Every day people are dying in their sins because no one has brought them the life saving message.

As a senior citizen, I am dedicated to serving the Lord through sharing my experiences and insights with other believers. My primary focus is upon being an disciple of Jesus and, in being one, I can help others to find their spiritual way also.
This article is original and not copywrited

Article Source: WRITERS

If you died today, are you absolutely certain that you would go to heaven? You can be! Click here and TRUST JESUS NOW

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