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Schools - Gates of Hell?

by Eugene Lopatynsky  
6/17/2019 / Education

Martin Luther, on the subject of schooling, wrote:

“I am afraid that schools will prove to be the gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. “

Want to know something else? It’s going to get worse. Public education is designed to separate your children from you and destroy their souls. If you doubt that, look at the statistical evidence. The only authority they will know is the beatings and bullying from misfits and gangs. These schools have your kids 5 or 6 hours a day, you have then perhaps for 15 minutes, tired after work. All this is financed continuously by your compulsory property taxes.

What can be done? Americans have fought to teach their kids themselves. Do it! Do it while you still can.

You don’t need a bigger refrigerator or a bigger car. You need loving, Christian kids. Let the wife stay at home and HOME SHOOL them. Sometimes 2 or 3 Christian families get together and share in this.

If you really love your children, then HOME SCHOOL them! Never send them to the government's Sodom and Gomorrah. All materials are readily available from Christian sources. No great education is needed for parents at all; all the materials and test answers are provided to parents. Two hours of home schooling is equivalent to 20 or more hours at any government school. 

This way you have your children at home, where you can still protect them, loving and helping and sharing. Share your time, your holidays, and if possible, even your work, with the kids. They will remember this forever. They grow up so rapidly and you will have them for such a short while! Tell them YOU LOVE THEM and throw your self-esteem to the devil, where it belongs. Prepare to home school your kids until university and immunize them against the idiotic Evolution, whoredom, drug addiction and luciferian "laws", long before they start university.

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