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by Eugene Lopatynsky  
9/02/2019 / Education

Most giant religions of today have received input of much Bible material, though terribly incomplete, and also much input of pure Babylonic religion, especially the worship and cult of Nimrod and Samirabis, exactly as it was observed before the Flood of Noah, the worship of two powerful demons (Isis and Osiris) and a pantheon of spirits, in a cult of SUN WORSHIP (Sun for Baal), with the symbol of SUN (circle behind head) for each demonAll covered up with stolen Christian names.

CHRISTIANITY is the worship of “Father and Son”. Salvation is possible only by faith in the Biblical Jesus. There is no other way.

BABYLON is a worship of “Mother and son”. There is No salvation by faith in any “Queen of Heaven” or BABY Thammuz, masquerading as baby Jesus. Check it out.

Compare the teachings of the Bible (God’s way) and the teachings of Nimrod and Samirabis (Babylon’s way): 

GOD’S WAY: No idols whatsoever.

BABYLON’S WAY: Idols everywhere, to be prayed to, honored, addressed and worshipped. Demons also want to be gods, want to be worshipped. Not to mention that this idolatry separates man from God.

GOD’S WAY: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you….

BABYLON’S WAY: Continuous recorded history of murder, theft, rape, especially persecuting Christians and Christ. How many millions of real Christians have they burned at the stake? Do you wonder why?

GOD’S WAY: Salvation is assured by God, as declared in the Bible.

BABYLON’S WAY: Salvation is never assured by the Catholic or any “Church”. Check it out.

GOD’S WAY: Only God forgives sin, with God paying your penalty for you.

BABYLON’S WAY: A priest pretends, himself, personally, to “forgive you” and in reality your sins remain on you, unforgiven. Some say, these priests could not forgive a bedbug or a cockroach. You are left to pay eventually your own penalty. You think FAITH in any Priest or any Church will save you?

GOD’S WAY: The only true authority is God’s Word (uncorrupted Bible) plus nothing else: Gal 1:8-9, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach ANY OTHER GOSPEL unto you than that which we HAVE PREACHED unto you, let him be accursed”. Use only a King James Bible Version or original Tx. Receptus manuscripts. This passage is now corrupted in nearly all “Modern Bibles”, corrupted because of its infinite importance.

Gal 1:8-9 means NO NEW MESSAGE, only the message PREACHED ALREADY in First century AD.

BY BABYLON: The Babylonians today declare to have “their own TRADITIONS”, which are claimed to be of the same importance as the Bible.  The names have been changed, but not the traditions. Those nice people would never explain that these traditions are mainly the teachings and traditions of Nimrod and Samirabis, the religion of Babylon.


Very unfortunately, the religion of Evangelical Christians, is also under direct, merciless, attack. Some unscrupulous, greedy, money grinding scoundrels have realized that big money can be made privately just by pretending religion. Some of these have acquired Lear Jets and private airports, all out of the offerings and tithes of needy people.           

All, or nearly all, Pastors lie to the public about TITHES. There are no tithes required in the New Testament. It is simply stealing, using false pretenses.

All, or nearly all, Pastors accept the bribe of Masonic Governments of a tax free status, provided that Pastors do not use their influence at the polls. That leaves Christians politically defenseless. This is open treason against their parishioners and Christianity in general.

But, in spite of all this mess, there is also excellent news. All Christians who have invited Christ Jesus to be the ruler of their life, truthfully and individually, will also love and try to obey the Lord, regardless of anything.

Those who obey the uncorrupted Bible, and only the Bible, and never trust any man or church, those who place their faith only in God and not in any priest or pastor or religion, do become the children of God and Heirs of the Almighty, regardless whether demons or todays devil worshippers go crazy about it or not.

Theirs, indeed, is the Kingdom of Heaven. God told us, that  "The ear has not heard and no eye has ever seen, neither can man even imagine the HAPPINESS which God has prepared for those who love him (1 Cor. 2:9, paraphrased, if you please).


Some readers of this might not even believe in God.  This epilog is for them.

There are some interesting people who believe, that the end of their physical body is also the end of all responsibility. They believe that they evolved from a rock and life among the rest of us is only an opportunity to get what they can and do whatever they want.

May I ask, “Are you so sure that there is neither God nor final justice? You think that anything infinitely complex, like your pet or like you, just evolved from a rock? Open your eyes and forget for a moment the fairytale of Masonic Evolution. In a universe of constant DEVOLUTION (Second law of Thermodynamics, Entropy; equilibrium only with maximum disorder) it is idiotic to propose the opposite, to propose any EVOLUTION. Want to bet your eternity on your own wisdom and on wishful thinking negating God? Or have you already elected Lucifer, the god of Masonry (higher degrees), for your god?

Care for some facts? Click on my name, search the list of my articles for “Age of this Earth” and “Will Evolution Crush your Kids?”

To get a list of my articles write my full name (Eugene Lopatynsky) into GOOGLE, then click on faithwriters.

Or use EDGE for your search engine.

Article Source: WRITERS

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