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Straight to Grace

by PamFord Davis  
10/10/2019 / Devotionals

We can sure be stubborn; resisting change just comes naturally.

In recent years, assignment of 911 street addresses has been no exception to the rule. Small town residents are pretty set in their ways; town founders named roads and streets decades earlier. Why change them now?

New addresses assist emergency responders; progressive leaders explain the need to make changes with little success. Resistance slows progress; yet, eventually new road signs are put in place. Street names and house numbers are changed and communities adjust.

God's children resist too; Lord, you sure are patient. You always know what is best and yet we have a natural tendency to fight you.

"Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias; and to him the Lord said in a vision, 'Ananias.' And he said, 'Here I am, Lord.' So the Lord said to him, 'Arise and go to the street called Straight, and inquire at the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus, for behold, he is praying. And in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on him, so that he might receive his sight.' Then Ananias answered, 'Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name (Acts 9:10-14 NKJV).”

Ananias resisted going to the Straight street.

He felt it would be a dead end road. He tried to 'set God straight.' (Acts 9:13-17)

The road sign Straight foretold the story of Apostle Paul. His perverted life was made straight through God's grace.

Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Devotions for the Deaf, The Secret Place, Coosa Journal, Mary Hollingsworth's The One Year Devotional of Joy and Laughter, Jo Krueger's Every Day in God's Word.

Article Source: WRITERS

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